Although I love Bali, I’m super stoked on going back home. I have so much cool stuff waiting for me back home!!!
Only after three days when returning home, I will be attending Matkamessut (a travel expo), which Rantapallo is kind enough to grant us bloggers tickets to :) I’m super keen on seeing what the conference has to offer and I will be sure for keeping my eyes open for ticket discounts for my next travels ;) It will also be a great opportunity for looking for sponsors for my Tall Ship Races –trip !
I also need to start planning something I like to refer as to the W.E.P – what it is, you will find out when the time is right. ;)
Also i’m pretty stoked on going back to school... :D Maths and accounting..!.wow I am a nerd. Nah but really, I had a really good semester studying wise, and the only three grades I’ve gotten so far where 5’s !!! (From subjects I DID NOT expect myself to be getting tp marks from!) I’m constantly checking our school’s netportal to see whether the teachers would be bored enough on their vacation to fill in our grades ;) I have a strong feeling this will the best report card I’ve ever got... I know I did pretty fuckign well on my exams and I’m excited on getting the results back (and seeing how many more 5’s I got :D) :) AND this semester I will make damn sure that i’ll concentrate 150% on Spanish porque quiero hablar español perfectamente un día..! ALSO pretty keen on taking the digital photography course and learning more about photography (:
I’m also excited because two days ago when we were driving to Ubud on the scooter with Milka and I was just sitting back, listening to my iPod hungover, I had these realizations:
1) I Started thinking about whether I should do marketing as my major. During the fall semester when I was thinking of what to study as my major I knew that I didn’t want it to be
a) Economics – because although it is useful and usually pretty logical, the graphs are a total mind fuck most of the time and usually just requires for you to learn them by heart. AND four years with Michale Keaney would just be too painful with his bad bad bad jokes : D
b) Marketing – because Kotler (the author) is a fuckign lunatic who writes books that are ACTUALLY over 1000 pages long and the size of big laptops... Tooooo much man..
when I came to Bali I started rethinking the issue. Marketing started to sound appealing as I started realizing the opportunities that marketing would provide. I could basically work anywhere.
For example:
Paolo, the 46-year-old Brazilian guy from Balangan Beach owns his own ”surf village” in an island somewhere in Indonesia and I asked jokingly whether I could come work for him ”yeah. You could do the marketing”. Ding ding ding, jackpot!
I also got inspired by Jean, Jonas’ French friend (who’s friend’s villa we stayed at) who has been now living in Bali for a year. He’s a fucking lucky guy because at ony 25 he got hired as the director of Ticket to the Moon in Bali and is doing e.g. the marketing for the company. So basically he is living in Bali and has a cool job of selling freakin’ hammocks :D
So yeah.. with marketing comes a lot of options and different livestyles to choose from.
2) What I also realized, was that I’m not going to give up on Out of Control Productions, mine and a couple friends’ company/organization we created, registered and threw a succesful Halloween Party with. We had some internal problems that made me seriously doubt whether I wanted to continue to work in OOCP and when leaving to Bali I just answered ”I don’t know” when I was being asked whether I was still in after a month of avoiding everything that had to do with OOCP. I told I’d figure things out in Bali. But after staying in Bali for three weeks I still hadn’t gotten an epiphany about what to do with the issue. I just wished I wouldn’t have to choose between working-with-wonderful,-passionate-people-who-are-amazing-at-what-they-do-but-with-whom-you’d-probably-clash-big-time-with-at-times to giving up on something I was part of creating and loved doing.
I was sitting at the back of the scooter with my headphones when I realized there was no way I was going to quit doing something I am good at. Never ever have I been as passionate as in those two manic weeks when we pulled off the sickest Halloween Party with Demi and Janika. Never ever have I been so driven and focused. 12 hour days have not seemed like work with such a good and FUN team. Although we might have our differences its not worth giving up on something that could fourish from a tiny seed into a beautiful flower. Not forgetting about friendship.
I’m super excited in going back as when I asked the girls and Jin (when combining the StartUp Challenge with OOCP Jin, the graphic and computer wizard joined forces with us) to fill me in on what was happening nowaday in OOCP (as I had been succesfully avoiding our FB-Admin page for two months) Demi told we are doing collab with Trombi Ry, the student organization, and throwing parties for them...! Not to mention all the other school parties and what not :) I also have a couple ideas on parties and I can’t wait to see my girls again and meet Jin finally, so that we can start working on our company’s future :)
So yeah, Pretty fucking stoked on going back home. Not to mention that Sean who has left Australia behind to make his RTW-trip is heading to Helsinki on the 26th aka AUSSIE DAY!!!!
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