Had the most pleasant hangover day in bed (: It was pretty weird how the whole island of Gili Trawangan seemed deserted ! Is what as if Nyepi had come four months early!
HA, didn’t even suffer from a hungover nor die of a heartattack (seriously too many redbul vodkas last night!) like I would’ve thought.
Excellent start of the year, if you ask me.
Oh, and when we finally got out of bed to eat breakfast it was 6 pm... Grabbed Carlito and Jasmine and headed to the other side of the island to Mozart to eat a good ol’ burger... Probably the most chilaxed evening of this whole trip. Imagine a tiny bungalow with pillows and four people crammed in comfortably. Dining and chilling in the candle light. Jonas might’ve dozed of leaning against me... haha 8)
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