Jesus, what a journey back home!!!
Woke up, Milka came to get me, and I was pretty sure I wouldn't get any of the souvenirs bought... I especially didn't have anything for my dad yet, because I had relied on the idea that I would go the Denpasar surely at one point and buy a kilo of Saffron from the local market. Well, didn't happen.
Managed to sort things though because Milka was a doll and drove me around <3 You are the best, girl! I bought my mom not-the-original, but still with-the-same-technique-made as the "most expensive coffee in the world" aka shit coffee (made in Indonesia). Original brand costs nearly 15€. And you know what the secret ingredient is? Shit. That's right. They get cats to shit and make coffee out of it... NICE.

Also, managed to sort the Saffron business... My dad can now say he is a very happy owner of Saffron worth of
4000€ ! I read on Lonely Planet, that you could buy Saffron for 230 000 rps/kilo at Denpasar's market, but actually, I managed to get it for an even better price! Milka drove me to Bintang Market and I was shocked to only find 50 gram bags of Saffron "fuuuuu i'm not gonna get my dad anything.. he won't do anything with this amount of Saffron". But then a light bulb lit in my head.. 1000g/50grams=20 bags and if one bag costs 7200rps, 7200 x 20 = 144 000 rps. I had to calculate again just to be sure - no fucking way, it's actually cheaper to buy it this way than from the market as a bulk ! I guess cause these bags are for locals and thus priced for locals... At the market I doubt I would've even got it for 230 000rps.. At least in Ubud they asked 250 000rps for _300_ grams. I was laughing at the thought of emptying a plastic bag worth of tiny saffron bags on the table, when my dad would only be expecting a large package :D "Yeah, bought you a kilo...in 20 bags!" So yeah kids, paid less than 13€ for a kilo of Saffron.. do the math.

Anyway, we headed to the beach and I got my last share of Padang Food. I WILL MISS YOU, dear delicious Padang! Milka got her toe nails painted and when the lady asked me whether I wanted mine too, I was liek whatta hell, gotta get rid of this money anyways and I have probably 7 layers of black nail polish on my nails, which would be good to get cleaned up.

After the beach we headed to Kuta because this batini dyed singlet had been creeping in my mind for 2 weeks now so I wanted to buy it. Spent the rest of my money on those two tops and then Milka announced that we should go get my stuff from Canggu and leave to the airport. As we were driving and almost on the free way, a fucking cop tries to pull us over for me not having a helmet - we just speeded off.

When we got my stuff, and headed back towards Kuta (since the airport was that way) we get stuck in the lights. There's a line of four car ad heaps of scooter before us as I spot a cop - and a motor bike cop ! I tell Milka about this and tell her to get on the right hand side as soon as possible. It was nerve wreckingly exciting ducking behind Milka's PINK helmet so that the cop wouldn't notice my
helmetlesness. What made it more exciting was that we were stuck in the lights. Just then as I am hiding behing Milka's back, I saw the neon yellow vest and the police hat shifting to the right hand side - to the side we were on. I try squinting as small as I can but the cop has noticed us and tells us to pull over with this angry expression on his face. We got off of he bike and the cop goes "You are not wearing a helmet and
you ran away already once when I stopped you" - FUUUCK, it's the same cop : D

Milka had to go to his booth and I was just laughing at the thought that Mika doesn't even have a license.. Wasn't concerned though about that because I knew he Indo cops probably have no idea what the real Finnish Driver's License looks like. I was more worried about the sum we would have to pay him. I didn't have ANY money left.. I only have 150 000rps to get out of the country (airport tax). Milka returned and told me the cop wanted 200 000 rps but Milka had told him she had no money "go talk to your friend". As we were discussing what we would do (only pay the standard 50 000rps and I would pay Milka back with a back transfer) we saw the cop getting on his bike and speeding off.
It was truly adrenalin-sparking business being driving the SAME _ONE WAY ROAD_ the cop was driving on. Not to mention that, as usual, the road was stuck with traffic and thus we could bump into him any minute. I kept my eyes open for the cops neon yellow vest as Milka drove. "STOP STOP STOP!!!!!" Milk stopped JUST a _METER_ behind the cop ! He had pulled over some westerner and I was so amazed when the cop just took off withough noticing us.. I mean, we were so close that he should've probably seen Milka damn _pink_ helmet flashing in is rear-view mirror.

The cop took a right and we were sooo happy because the airport was on the left <3 We managed to get to the airport and I said bye and cya to my Milkyway <3 Promised her, that if she would get fined on the way back home, I would pay her back via bank transfer :D
Problems didn't end here though... oh no, not at all. As I payed my airport fee and proceeded to get my passport checked, the guy tells me
"you've overstayed your visa with one day" "what?? noo... no, I mean I came here on the 17.12 and today's the 16th of Jan, right?" "Yeah... 31 days" *did some counting* "Oh nooo, what now?" "You have to pay 200 000" "200 000 '?!?!?! bu I don't have _ANY_ money *I show him my empty wallet thoroughly*" "Get some from the ATM""But.. I don't have anything on my bank account.. Everything's on my savings account"So I ended up having to get money out with my credit card (Thank god for Mastercard<3) and although I had to pay the same amount I payed for my whole month's visa, I was just laughing about it :) ..Although I still have no idea, whether the guy just came up with the number... I do not trust the officials in Indonesia... :D

Had my last Bintang on the airport (broke but still worth the 5€ I swipped with my Mastercard) and got on the plane to Kuala Lumpur. In Kuala Lumpur I nearly missed my flight because I was too busy reading blogs and didn't hear any announcements (there were none??). When I got to Amsterdam I felt utterly shit. All my muscles were hurting, I was chronically getting cold shivers, then again at times I felt as hot as an oven, my eyes hurt and the lights looked too bright and I felt very disoriented. I felt like crying because I knew I still had 6 hours to go before I would be home.
Now, writing this three days later, I can tell you, I apparently got TONSILLITIS. WTF. Was a bit surprised when the doc called me :D Oh well, like my mate said:
"mut mita suurempi fail sita parempi matka aina
se on sellane laki
oon huomannu tan kun oon suorittanu empiirisia tutkimuksia"
PS. Jeff told me on Facebook, that only the driver is supposed to have a helmet. But the cops just pull over westerners who don't know about the law with the hope of a bribe..