Showing my love towards sharks at Ikea
ps. This would make a nice house warming gift in the future..
ps. This would make a nice house warming gift in the future..
We had errands to run, so after cleaning the van we drove to the city with Laura. We were supposed to drop off the van, but before that we wanted to buy a bowl from Ikea which would no doubt would be cheaper than having to replace the one we managed to broke.

Tadaa! BOWL $3,95
Woman: "Hey I've never seen white glögi before!"
Me: "Neither have I. Usually we drink the red version back home."
"Yeah we too."
-my brain starts to think... glögi?? Australians??-
"What? I didn't know Australians drink glögi?"
"We are not from Australia"
"Where are you guys from.....?"
"Where from Scandinavia......."
"Really?? ME TOO !"
These women had moved to Australia 36 years ago (lucky bitches) from Helsinki. They were at Ikea with their children and grand child. One of their childs seemed to understand Finnish, which was nice to notice. First we talked in English since it was more natural, but after I asked why are we talking in English, we continued our chat in our mothertongue. They guided us to ask glögi form Aldi, this Lidl-typed German shop they have here. We thanked them and wished them a merry christmas and a happy new year. Man I love randomly meeting Finns :)
(also looked at the cute kittens at the pet store)
Later on that day I told the boys I almost bought a kitten..
James: What would' you do with a kitten???Me: Love it.
James: What would' you do with a kitten???Me: Love it.
We drove off to look for the Jucy rentals to which we were supposed to drop off out van... _THREE_ goddamn hours later we still hadn't found that stupid rental company in St. Kilda. t six o'clock we managed to finally get to it but we noticed that we should've dropped the van off 4 hours earlier................. AAARGH. Note to self: always read rental papers. We didn't have the slightest idea of having to drop the van off at a certain time, since no one told us that... Luckily the man Laura called was chill, and just told us to drop the keys at the nearby hostel.
Got slushies with laura
Got back to the hatch (the guys' place we are staying at) and drank some beers. We headed out to the field with Matt, Mitch, James, Steve and Nick to play cricket. Bloody cricket. I suck at it. I mean at everything there is possibly to do in it. I can't pitch, I can't bat, I can't catch for shit, I can't run and catch it from the air. Oh and did I mention the idea of the game was still a bit unclear for me?
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