tiistai 28. helmikuuta 2012

One Night in Waszaw

Soooo we went out with Laura so that we could actually catch up and discuss everything that's been happening in the past year :)  We weren't really able to do that with all our relatives around ;) It was actually my first night out in a month since I'm having a "Sober Fest" with my mate all the way till end of April (we picked that day on random) with the exception of my Poland trip :) The next morning we agreed with Laura that going out had been pretty lame if it weren't for that other person... SO i'm actually excited in keeping up with my sober life. Feel so much better: not wasting any money (what money? everything's going to my savings account anyways :D) and being able to focus on school and working (and gym too, soon) and doing things that actually matter and are healthy to you. I had a same kind of pause when I came back from Australia (5 months without getting wasted). I'm actually shocked how people don't realize what they are doing to themselves and their lives. Though, it must take a lot to admit when one is drinking his/her life away... I know i'm not a saint myself, but jesus christ with the shit that alcohol causes and people just don't seem to realize that all their problems spur from that substance... And don't even get me started with how this idiotic Finnish drinking culture sickens me to my stomach (nowadays seems like no one wants to meet up unless it involves having to crawl on all fours and vomiting all over yourself). OK, enough of this rant :D ...And back to one night is Warszaw (that really just makes me seem like a hypocrite right now ;) )

PS: don't judge... I was bored and I started playing around with Photoshop... I hardly ever edit my photos - and there's a reason for it ;D
So we got a cab and drove to the street Iwo, my Polish mate I met wind surfing nearly 5 years ago in Sopot, had recommended us.

We had noticed this one club was packed with people but we decided to head to somewhere quiet first so that we could catch up :)

It was pretty funny though, some Polish people came to ask us where this club was and I instructed them there :D Local.. right. I was so stoked about my long island ice tea and so bummed that little miss Melanie wasn't there with us, so I decided to text her in Netherlands.

"How much tip do you reckon we should leave? Man, I'm a backpacker... I don't tip!" (we left tip, ofc :D) Then we went to check out the club (in our winter coats - don't wanna pay before you know you wanna go ;) ). We decided it was aiiiight and stayed.  ..And watched this male stripper.. Question: DOES ANY ONE YOU YOU FEMALES THINK (silver latex) THONGS ON MEN ARE SEXY? I would _really_ like to know if there is really anyone  that actually thinks so :D    At this point we had figured this club was horrid and wanted to go some place else

David Guetta Energy Drink, really? : D   
..Decided to have some before heading to the cold(World of Alcohol) All hail Poland, Germany and all you other countries for your free market policy in alcohol. Though, this would never work in Finland.

We went to this Siltanen-like place that was packed with all the Polish hipsters (oh lord). Spotted a "hipster" (the only hipster thing about him is his fugly mo) and wanted a picture with him. - and he tried to kiss me !! FUCK NO.   Coming back home at 4am.
We weren't really that drunk  - just bored!AHahahahaa :D After the next night (when dad took us out for some beers/cocktails) there had appeared a note on this door (this door is to the apartment houses) in Polish "please close door delicately" - yeah.. i guess we MIGHT'VE slammed it a couple of times during 4 am ...Why do Polish doors have so many damn locks?!  Laura's gonna kill me :)Laura made us some drunken munchiez - pierogi!

 Next morning.... ...I'm only kidding - I actually felt SUPER! "LOVE Polish hangovers - they're so tame!"Laura fell off the bed when we were tying to watch hangover-Jersey Shore :D  Derp.

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