I’ve been a bit troubled lately because I’ve been having a dilemma: I’ve got bills to pay, i’m using my mastercard and I have no money. Oh, and did I forget to mention that I hate my job?
Yeah so I haven’t really been ABLE to take up work shifts (I don’t have to book any shifts if I don’t want to) because the thought of going to sit in Alepa for 8 hours makes me wanna throw myself under the oh-so-efficient VR trains... Being a cashier is not easy !!!
I’ve managed to do my job solely with the thought of the euros increasing in my account for ONE AND HALF YEARS (minus traveling every now and then for a total of six months) but I feel like I’ve just had enough. I seriously can’t be Alepa’s bitch no more.
And I’m stressed cause I have bills and I want to participate in the Tall Ship Races and I need 800€ only to sign up for that among other travels and things.
Anyway, I’m doing a Facebook Free February, so today I’ve been super efficient: I’ve started reading economics and marketing, held a mini-meeting with Demi and Janika to sort out our association matters, read all the papers from the first week of school I missed and arranged all the papers in my folder. Not to mention about opening a very very very nice letter – OUR SPONSOR MONEY HAS FINALLY ARRIVED – I’m finally getting paid the money I put in organizing our association’s party...
Due to this pleasant information I did our association’s accounting (finally) and I’M RELIEVED – I didn’t even realize how much money I had used for our party. With the money I lent and the money i’m getting from my insurance company (thank you Trygg for being so fast! :) ), I’m pretty sure I have no bills left to pay! AH, life is wonderful!
With this note I actually started to ponder whether I just could work my little ass off as the check-out girl still for a little while... If I’ll just grit my teeth... and think about the money... and continue to do my packing/to do –lists...
We’ll see.. I don’t have school next Thursday so maybe, just maybe, I’ll take up a morning shift... with the pictures of euros and rigg sails in my eyes........
Ps. Wrote this yesterday and now that i'm hanging out with Mikko, also an ex-Alepa Bitch, I realized, there's little chance of me going back to work...
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