I kinda wish I would have some photos from day time Warsaw (like legit, actual Warsaw) so that you could compare how an ugly duckling blooms into a beautiful swan. But here's the night photos any ways:
Culture Palace. Five years ago when I flew to Poland to see Red Hot Chili Peppers, I had to cry in order for my dad (he was in Warsaw too) to stop and realize what I meant when I told him "I am scared of heights - I don't want to go to the top of that building with an elevator." Luckily, I didn't have to go. Today would be a complete different story though - give me heights - I wan't adrenaline !!!
The view from my dad's hotel's room... See the shape that has been formed with the lights !
It was quite hilarious when me and Laura where in my dad's hotel room: "omg look they have SOAP! AND TOWELS!!" "I'm taking all the shampoos and conditioners.. wtf a sewing set!" "Hey I found a notebook -set, i'm taking it!". We both concluded that it's pretty clear we aren't used to staying in hotel rooms ;D Dirty backpackers.. But, I would choose hostel 99,9% of the time (unless I would like some privacy).
Bombky! If you head to Poland, buy yourself some respectable, beautiful hand-made Christmas balls. They are made of -something breakable - and give a special feel to the Holiday with their un-plastic-like appearance. We have a coupe of BIG AZ ones. We even have a millenium 2000 -ball !
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