Oh how it feels good to be back in Poland! :)

Poland is like a second home to me (due to my roots), however, I don't consider myself to be a Pole at all - its only because of my blood that I
could say I am half Polish.

I love this photo of Babcia :D
...Nevertheless, I usually come to Poland once a year because have family and friends here. The last time I was in Warszaw, however, was five (!) years ago. I flew here for a couple of days before heading to see Red Hot Chili Peppers in Chorzow. And after that when I've come to Poland, it's the coast I've been windsurfing, not forgetting about last years Heineken Open'er -festival in Gdynia :)

So Warszaw, nice to meet you again. I was shocked to see that they had built a whole new terminal ! It was pretty modern and I even bumped into Halina there, this girl I used to go to Polish classes with in elementary School with (we hated each other back then but it was so nice to see her now!!). It was my couz Laura, who landed from Paris to the old terminal, the ghetto-ish terminal that was painted with a red winey color. :D

Babcia and Dziadek (Granma and Granpa) came to pick us up and it was so nice to see them! And it was so weird how it DIDN'T feel weird at all to see Laura! It was like we would've never left Australia and one of us would've only popped out of the room for a second and come back instead of not seeing each other for a year!

Melanie wasn't able to come because she would've been flying on stand-by and she can't afford to miss her class on Monday. We were a bit sad but we figured that we'd meet her somewhere else, the THREE of us :)
Our dads in Pakistan trying to impress a girl
Although the terminal had been renovated, nothing had changed in Babcia's & Dziadek's appartment. The only thing that jumped in my eyes was a Mac -computer :D Dziadek told me they don't have Internet and that the computer is only for photo viewing (Dziadek does photography). Keeping up to date aren't we!

As we were watching through the photo albums, Dziadek pored me, Laura and himself an apparative of some berry vodka/liquor my Aunt Małgocia had made. It was really really really sweet/strong but good anyways. It was interesting looking at the photos from Babcia's & Dziadek's youth, our parent's childhood (also from the time when they lived in Pakistan) and our dads meeting our beautiful moms. It was the first time I saw these pictures... Dziadek also had pictures of him in Jakarta, Indonesia sometime in the late 70's (?) and he told me that he had photos from BALI in Małgocia's place and that we could view them later. I'm pretty thrilled seeing HOW MUCH Bali has changed (for the worse...).

What I love about Poland among the people is the food. AAAA Babcia had made us some tomato soup <3 And some Indian Chicken Curry (just like dad!). At this time Kondrad, out one year older cousin had joined us and it was just so nice to eat together and talk about random stuff. We were wondering with Laura, that how long was it from the last time our WHOLE family from dad's side saw each other (=my fam, laura's fam, kondrad's fam and babcia & dziadek)? Apparently some 15 odd years ago during Christmas... We think with Laura that we should gather up the family together for Christmas. It would be amazing...
Of course that would mean that also I should start hanging around at home during Christmas instead of where-ever-in-the-world. But we NEVER see each other because all our family is so scattered around the world... Finland, Poland, Canada (not even talking about mom's side of the family)..

Later on Małgocia and with Maciej (my aunt's husband, I don't even know in Finnish what Maciej is to me.. is there a word? :D) and my cousin Adriana (how the hell is she already turning 18 ?!) came to get us and we left our bags at they're super cozy home that hadn't changed one bit <3 We had been making a grocery list with Małgocia because we wanted her to teach us some Polish specialties! (Of which I'll upload videos later)

After grocery shopping and us watching/filming what Małgocia was making in the kitchen, we drank a bit more of tea, ate bread with
biały ser (white cheese) and talked about the culture differences in Poland vs. Finland/Canada. For instance, the power distance that you see here is incredible... You have call everyone "Pan" (=Sir) or "Pani" (= 'Lady'/Mrs.). If you fail to use this with a police man, you'll get fined. (Like dad once did when he got a bit frustrated :D) Adriana and Małgocia also told us, how you are not aloud to smoke even if you are in high school ! If they catch you smoking, they'll drag you once to a psychologist to figure out the reason for your lung-tormenting. And guess who pays for this appointment? The government... "What a waste of tax money", like Laura said.

Anyhoo, i'm gonna go wake Laura up now. How lovely it was to wake up here <3 Had my typical Polish breakfast: tea, bread with pasztet ("pâté") and yogurt (:

PS. Laura can kiss her "I'm not gonna gain weight during my exchange semester" goodbye after all the
pączki and other pastries we will be consuming here :D