Went for some hungover breakkie to Maccas (yeah buddy!) with Stew, Luke and Dominique – this Austrian guys who was cool but wa bit odd since he kept giggling in this weird way : D The sound of it always made me smile!
We then decided to head to the outdoor pool since we hadn't managed to go there the day before. Luke and Stewie were leaving that day so we only had some couple hours to chill. Something funny though happened – I had been taking photos of the pool area and the boys and when I was looking through the photos I noticed somethin super ridiculous:
”WTF DOM, where you changing your pants there?!?!”
”In the middle of everyone?!”
”And you had no underwear on???”
”Wtf DOM :D:D:D You strip butt naked and there’s people sitting behind you” 8DDDDDD
Ps. Yeah you can't see, but there were actually people that had visible access to where he was standing. . . : D
When we left and got on subway Luke gave me his travel card which still had 6 viajes left (: yaay. Me and Dom just continued to our hostel. The whole day went somewhat like this:
I was thinking of going to go visit the uni where I would be studying at but I bypassed the idea when I found out thanks to google maps, that my uni was a 30 minute ride away from the centre... no thanks, too knackered!
Later on in the evening, me, my lovely Chilean roomie Pia (which I had met in pretty awkward circumstances hahaaaa) my other roomie Tamar (another lovely girl, though from Israeli) and Sune, this blonde Danish guy that I kept referring to as ”Denmark” and he in return called me ”Finland” went to this bar where they would give you food for buying a beer (1,7€) :) The food was potatoes/sausages/finger food like that, but it was still nice. Pia had been living in Madrid for the last 6 months due to her exchange year and she was telling us some insider info on Madrid :) She told us, that in those kinds of bars (where we were at right then) there’s a habit that the customers throw their wrinkled napkins on the cloor as a sign of appreciation and good food. It was kinda weird noticing that the whole floor was filled with little napkins!
After this Pia took us to this square. I just loooove the habit of Madridians sitting in the square late at night and socializing with their mate over some canned beer that the Asians keep selling you for a euro as they go around, looking for customer in the square. There was a lovely little humm of chatter and the square’s concrete floor was super warm from the hot sun that had been shining on it the whole day. Just sitting there in the middle of ”the humm” was really hypnotic and relaxing. Probably one of my favourite things in Madrid I got to experience in my short stay. :)
We ended up having five beers and going back to the hostel at three AM. I got a nice little reminder of the lack of privacy when I walked on my roomies ”getting it on”... haaahaaa
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