I had been thinking of going to bed straight at nine because I really had some catching up to do sleeping-wise, but I figured that whatta hell, i’m in Bali, it’s Saturday night. I’m gonna go and get some food, have a beer and meet some cool people (and maybe end up getting drunk and going to bed at 6 AM).
As I was walking amid the busy streets of Kuta, I realized that I was in true hot backpacker man heaven.. Kept repeating ”well helloooo” in my head every 6 seconds.. haha :D But srsly: Singlet, tan, toned surf body, slightly over grown hear and facial hair.. yes please!

Drops Bears!!!
I had asked my reception of a good place to eat ”what kind of food” ”...Indonesian” (why would anyone want anything else whilst here?). So the girl pointed my in the left-hand direction. I found the place she had recommended ”Kopi Pot” but it was empty and so I followed Tom’s advice: If it’s empty, don’t eat there (and look for the places where the locals eat).

I had been walking down the main road, Legian st. and saw some couple backpackers go own this kind of alley so I followed them and I hit the hussle street for sure.. Everyone was trying to sell you tops or get you to rent their scooters. I was walking towards the beach and made it to the promenade, although I couldn't see the beach since it was pitch black. I finally saw a place which was packed with people eating, but I felt a bit awkward to go inside to this fancy restaurant ALL BY MYSELF – loner ! SO instead, I decided to go to the place next door – which was the right choice, as it was a food court (Indonesian food!) and full of LOCAL people. So. Can’t go wrong with that.
I ordered noodles with prawn and took a large Bir Bintang (Balienease Beer). I started talking with this middle aged guy, Bahri, who was on vacation from Jakarta, Indonesia. We were talking about studying and such and I asked him whether he knew where I could try this Cobra’s blood –shot. AND HE TOLD ME HE HAD SEEN THIS RESTAURANT SOMEWHERE (!!!) but for my misfortune he couldn’t remember the name of the place. I gave him my e-mail so that if he’d remember the place, he would e-mail me :) He also wrote down the phrase for me in Indoneasian so that I could ask the locals whether they knew of the place! Indonesian friendliness hey :)
That large Bintang was doing its tricks on me, anf after what must’ve been like a three cans, I started to feel knackered so I left back to my hotel. On the way I purchased these tops I had been looking at and HA, got them super cheap. The girl had wanted 90 000 rupiahs for one, but told me I could get 2 for cheaper. Well, I only had like 110 000 on me, so I got two tops for that price 8)
As I was walking back, I had just started to believe what they said about Kuta – that it’s a hell – but just then a Balinese girl have me this ”free drinks 10-11pm” –pass and I realized I could be at man made heaven ;) Went back to my hostel to ponder to drink or not to drink but thank god I was so tired that I decided to go straight to sleep (at 10). BEST DECISION EVER!
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