Funny how the more you travel, the shorter the plane rides start to feel!
Just arrived to Kuala Lumpur airport two hours ago. This is pretty cool. 3h free wifi and has a pretty modern look to it :) I had a nice person sitting next to me on the plane - This German guy who was on his way to meet his traveling girlfriend in Brisbane :) It's funny though how I never find it relevant enough to ask the persons name during that whole 12 hours, because I know, that we'll part ways soon anyways!
Btw, Malaysia Airlines' flight attendances' outfits are so nice! They are Asian styled, green and consists of two pieces that make the outfit look like a dress. 8) Too bad don't have a photo on that.
What else... I feel like i'm drunk ? I'm swaying? I think it's my lack of sleep catching up with me, although I did manage to sleep the whole way from helsinki to Frankfurt and some 5 hours on the plane to Kuala Lumpur. Haven't slept so long in a week <3
This airport is kinda cool looking! AND WHAT'S AMAZING is that they have an JUNGLE BROADWALK in in the middle of the airport! I filmed a video for you guys, but ofc the connections to shit for it to get uploaded on utube >:) Will add later though.
But yeah, I've managed to kill 2 hours, and my plane leaves in 3 hours :) So in 5 hours i'll be in Baliiiii!!
About that: I have no idea what-so-ever how Bali is gonna be like and what's gonna go down there and how my trip will turn out be like :D I FREAKING LOVE THIS FEELING OF JUMPING TO THE UNKNOWN!
Btw, there's some cheap lenses here. I'm intrigued to purchase one........... Though, dunno. I'm such an amateur that I only have one lens that i've been pretty content at using at. I'm actual a total noob when it comes to camera theory - I just take photos and they turn out nice, hey.. So dunno whether I should purchase one when i don't even know what i should be looking at !
PS. Realized I have Second Thoughts on my laptop so I watched that (soooo goooood) and also watched this doco on surf history in Aus. So pumped out to get on a wave !!! I'm arriving pretty late though (probs 3pm in Kuta today) so i'll probs go surfing not until tomorrow. Wow. I have actually NO IDEA what the fuck i'm gonna do today :D Alright, I gotta buy myself some sunnies, shampoo&conditioner, water etc. Eat, settle down and shit like that. I'll prob just walk around, take photos and chill. + JASMINE IS ARRIVING AT 3AM !
PPS. Sorry for the immensely shitty quality ! These are the first photos i've taken with my new cam.. Hopefully it will start to co-operate soon enough! At least the video quality is good :]
PPPS. If only I had my lipbalm with me 8( and anti-bacterial liquid.
PPPPS. Whenever I try to access hotmail from this airport, it transfers me to Google... Can hotmail be banned in this country??? : D:D:D or what the fuck. the same thing happens if you try to type it on the airport's own computers... oh well, i guess i'm off to my gate now 8)
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