Currently i'm sitting a Helsinki-Vantaa airport eating my over priced brekkie (9€ for a sandwich and a 0,4l pepsimax woooot) and man am I stoked.... TO SLEEP ON THE PLANE! Seriously, the lack of sleep i've had during my final exams has been ridiculous. I seriously can't even understand how I'm still standing with only 3-4hour sleep every night since Saturday...
Last night was no different:
I was finishing my last school projects and at 00:00 I was done with one of my portfolios and considered whether I should do my IT-assignment (which was due on Tuesday) or pack... after all, I had to leave in 5 hours.
Someone said something pretty funny on FB when I was pondering this hard question:
I agree ;)
So I started packing and boy am I glad for the Internet... Having my packing list on my blog made packign sooo much easier ! All I had to do is adjust the four month packing list to a one month one by reducing the amount of clothes and walá! DONE. Left some things (and a lot of clothes) out from previous experience and also packed my wettie aka wetsuit with me :) My backpack actually only weighted 10,8kg !
What was I supposed to write about... man, this lack of sleep is killing my brain ! Slept like 2h whee.. OH YEAH! I was supposed to show you guys a bit of my preparations for this trip ;)
One day after work I went to see my bestie Mia at her place and we made some food and had some wine. "I'm not going out, I have to study". Two wine glasses later I had decided we were to go to a bar. After arriving to the center, having a drink and deciding to switch the bar, we walked for like 2km around the city... We would decide "lets go to lama! oh, it's too full", walk over to the next best thing and be like "nah". So after walking past 5 different options we went to Maccas and then finally inside and acutual bar: Aussie bar. It's when I stepped in, that I realized I had lost the bag which I had had with me at work and which had my school library's Economics book and a library book of Lonely Planet on Bali & Lombok... MAN DID THIS TURN OUT TO BE AN EXPENSIVE ONE. 150€ ??? Books + drinks + insisting my mate Mikko to take a taxi with me back home (he suggested we could sleep in his car... I can only imagine how much I would want to kill myself if waking up hung over as fuck in a cold _fucking_ car : D) I was a bit bummed though since I had been thinking of taking the lonely planet with me on my trip. I usually don't read any guide books but since I only have a month in Bali, time is at essence and I don't want to loose any. So. I just order my copy from Ebay ;) Much cheaper too, than buying one at a book store in Helsinki!
Anyhoo, boarding time soon (7:30), next step Frankfurt airport, stay tuned!
ps. oh fucken hell.. how's that IT-project going, you may ask..
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