We woke up at 6 am to see the sunrise but as we ran to the shore with our cameras in our hands, we noticed that it was pretty light already, and that the sunrise was no where to be seen because of the cloudy sky. We went back to our hotel to pack our stuff and headed to find a place to eat breakfast.
Jasmine, Carlos, Emma and I had planned to see the whole of Bukit Peninsula today and we were also on a mission to find a driver for us. Mario, our taxi driver from last night, had said that he would take us around for the day for 400 000 rupiahs, but wasn’t able to do it today since he had customers. It was good to have a comparison price anyway.
As we were walking down the street this man with a van asked us whether we needed transport and told us he would take us around for 500 000. Carlos was willing to accept his price but I told him to wait for a better price. As we walked down the street, the man chaced us with his van and tried to offer beter prices. I wanted 300 000. Finally we settled for 325 000 and I was pretty happy that we didn’t go for his first offer ;)
He took us to a super market to buy groceries and maaaaan was it weird being in an Indonesian supermarket! You had to go through this weird security metal detector thing ? And man did they have tons of different vegetables and fruits. The supermarket was also full of seaweed flavoured stuff and I even bough these weird Indonesian snacks: these weird green balls, ”Tic Tacs” (not real Tic Tacs but just these little balls, snacks) that were made of seaweed and smelt like fish food and dried sea weed sheets! crazy.
After the supermarket, out first stop was Geger Beach. At first I was quite shocked that the driver drove us there – how long should we spend time in this sad sad sad little beach full of tourists that is next to a construction area, thath the driver wouldn’t get offended. But thankfully I followed Carlos’ and Emma’s way far far far to the left hand side and after goign around this rock thing, we found the most beautiful, untouched beach spots !
It was so amazing that you could find this next to nature that was getting torn down because of new villa building. It’s actually so sad that the Balinese don’t realize or just care what they are doing to their island – destroying it. Or might be, thath it’s not even Indonesians that are building these villas but still. Everyone just seems to be thinking about the money instead of conserving their natural heritage.
I was so happy to be in this (Geger Beach) spot. It was so beautiful. We had the place all to ourself and we were just in awe of the white sand and the turquoise water. I even tested my water proof camer underwater for the first time ;)
After this we stopped at ”five churches” – it was this street that had five churches lined up next to each other – the Catholic, the Protestant, the Buddhist and the Hindu Church. We walked past the fifth one but because it was in the far left and wasn’t that outstanding, we kind of forgot to check it out :D
Next stop was Everbowl Beach which was RIDICULOUSLY BEAUTIFUL. Pristine white sand, turqouise water and the privacy surrounded by the incredible nature. It was a surf spot and although I was itching to get into the water, I realized that I wouldn’t be able to paddle out to the break.
So we girls just chilled and swam. At one point me and Jasmine had to get something out of the car so we strted climbing up the crazy long stairs. Just then Jasmine screamed ”Sandra, MONKEYS!”. I ran as fast as I could and looked at the cute little things. Just as I knelt down to take pictures, the fuckign monkey attacked ! Thank god I managed to run down the stairs but it was fucking scary :D Just a moment before I had stated that these monkeys might have rabies... I guess the mom monkey was just protecting its little one.
After this we checked out Padang Padang, a world famous surf spot. Too bad it was ruined by all the fucking tourists and t-shirt selling shacks.
We left in some 5 minutes but soon realized why our driver was pretty reluctant in driving us to Dreamland, this surf spot. It was filled with Asian tourists and the whole place just looked ruined. But, like with the other spots, as soon as you walked a bit to the side, the place was breath taking. For some reason none of the tourists seem to realize that if they would walk 50 meters to the left, they would have their own private beach...
After this tourist hell we headed to Ulu Watu to see the sun set and the Buddhist temple. As soon as the Balinese man had warned Jasmine to hide her camera from the monkeys, a fucking monkey stole my flip flop !!!!! PERKELE. I was like ”oh not again” (in Australia I lost 6 pairs of flip flops in the first 5 weeks.. yeah i know, i’m pretty pro) but the old lady came to rescue me by throwing a bag of food to the monkey. – of which I of course had to pay for – Not set up at all hey...
The temple was sooo full of monkeys and it was so cool. I think I took like 150 pictures of the litle fellows and 3 of the temple . . .
I was glad that Carlos had suggested to come to see the sun set at Ulu Watu because it was AMAZING.
We decided to spend the night at Balangan Beach (<3) since Carlos had told us that there should be some swell hitting so we needed to be on the coast to surf ;) Our driver couldn’t drive us all the way down because the road was a bit shitty so we had to walk down to the beach in the dark... ADVENTURE! It was pitch black but thank god Jassu had a flashlight with her (mine’s batteries were dead).
It was crazy when a motorbike drove past – you could see the huge curtain of bugs flying in the car light.. A bit disquisting but cool anyway.
We stayed at the same beach shack as Carlos had stayed at. I was sooo happy to hear that we would only be paying 40 000 rps a night! We had some food, a beer and chilled for a bit. The Good life. Then up staris to sleep in the most comfortable beach shack bed. AH I LOVE WHERE WE ARE STAYING AT!
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