maanantai 17. tammikuuta 2011

10 Days Healing Process

Nothing really happened in the past ten days (9.-17.1) except me trying to take care of my sun rash and fucking it up four times by applying too much cream. Note to self: next time no self-medicating and go to the doctors STRAIGHT AWAY.

Besides hiding from the sun by sitting at the camp with a book or my laptop in front of me, I did do something else: I tagged along with the guys (advanced group) a couple of times and saw Machine Guns, The Slab and Spiders, surfing spots that is. Ate lunch with the advanced group twice in Tamrine and went out for tea with Tom, Sam and Justin, my lovely Aussies. We (Me, Tom, Sam, Justin, Ebrahim, Abdul & Laura) visited Paradise valley, a beautiful rock pool in the mountains, where we swam and had a barbie. I learnt wome more surfing terms: Period = the time between waves, the longer the period, the more powerful the wave.
Kook = A poser (used in surfing in skateboarding)

Took a picture for Abdul, who insisted of having one taken with pro surfer, Corey Lopez:

On the 15th, when my face was absolutely horrific, thanks for applying cream like there's no tomorrow, I went to see the doc. Frenchies are fuckers. Who the fuck throws a tantrum in front of a patient, just because je ne parle pas français, and it's oh so hard for him to explain in English how to use the creams??????? Never the less, the miracle cream worked like a spell, and my face healed in two days <3 I was so happy. On the 15th it was also Sam's 24th birthday, but I was happy to just stay behind by myself when the others went out, since I was not even feeling like exposing my face to my mates eyes. A call from mom and dad made me feel so much better though, thanks for that :) Really felt like I was going nowhere with this skin problem!

On the 18th my face was healed <3 but I decided not to surf that day, since I was scared to fuck up my face again. My face had peeled completly so it was pretty freaking sensitive. I was so glad my face had returned to normal, because that day a group of professional surfers arrived :D:D:D There's Alex1, Alex2, Dan, Thomas - the guys behind the film & the photoshoot, Ryan, who arrived a day later, and Craig. Craig is the only guy out of the group who is not from California, and comes from Newcastle, Australia - didn't visit that place!

It was a bit funny to see the group of professional surfers. Thomas, the boss, looks like a he got inspired by the Beatles, where as Alex1 (who is constantly stoned) looks like he is straight from the 70's. Alex2 seemed like he was dressed to meet the parents for the first time. The only thing I can say about Dan, is that you would almost think it's MOvember again.. Ryan, the guys who rides almost-unshapped-foam-boards, looks like an average kid (+ he has the craziest, weirdest and funniest laugh). Craig was the only one that slightly resembled a surfer with his skater-ish outfit.

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