I went for a walk yesterday in Samborowo. Just me and my camera for a couple of hours. As I was strolling the path to the river where we used to fish with Dziadek (granpa) I just realized how happy I was to be here alone. Just felt so peaceful. I know it's too early to say, but I think I love traveling alone. The absolute freedom to do whatever you want is just so welcoming. Not having to please anyone else but yourself and being aloud to just wander in your own thoughts is such an experience. I love it how this is MY time.
Of course when I was showing my relatives the videos from my trip to Oz, I did miss Laura and Melanie. Amazing girls, love them to death. I'm happy to see Melanie in a couple of days and can't wait to be cracking up on dirty little hamster -jokes :) I also can't wait for Laura to do her exchange year in Frace/Switserland/Spain/where ever the hell she decides to go, so that we can finally have a reunion with the three of us again !
But i'm pretty sure I couldn't go traveling with a permanent travel buddy again. Not unless that person is very independent. We were actually talking about this with Edwina, the Australian girl, at our hostel in Sopot. She also finds independency a must in travel buddies. I just hate it when people can't be alone for even one second ! Like come on, if you wanna go for a hike and I wanna surf, it's o-k-a-y to go our separate ways for a couple of hours and meet in the evening yeah ? It won't kill anyone to be a second alone (not unless you're in a scary movie).
I don't mind traveling with someone, i'm actually looking forward to meeting new people and maybe tagging along in their travels for a bit, but I like the idea of being able to ditch the crew if I feel like it. haha I sound like a horrible person, but srsly, try traveling with someone for four months and then go travel by yourself and you'll know what i'm talking about.
But yeah, it's 7:21 right now and i'm sitting in the train to Poznan from Ostróda. As you can see, I decided to stay a bit longer in Samborowo than intended. First I was thinking of just being there for the day but since I only arrived at 8 in the evening and I heard my cousins were coming the next evening, I decided to chilax a bit more at the summercottage. But yeah, I have to catch up with previous days' bloging cause i'm a bit behind on that. Sucks that these trains don't have WiFi unlike in Finland... I'll have to post like a weeks amount of entries at one time... MAN !
Ps. Had such an Polish breakkie and lunch yesterday... bóki z Pasztetem (buns with pâté) and Cucumber soup with macaron and meat mushroom sauce... yummy, love Babcia's (granny's) cooking <3
PPS. Got to see my auntie Malgocia and my cousins Adriana and Konrad too :)
PPPS. Everytime I listen to Cut Copy - Sands of Time (Original Mix) -just like now- I feel like the world is FULL of opportunities
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