Today was a good day. Just walking around all sleep deprived with Tom :D We were pretty much just wandering around the city the whole day, laying in parks and admiring Berlin. Such a laid back day. Don’t know, there isn’t really that much to write about this day although it was pretty awesome for it’s easyness. I had this cool feeling of never being as in contact with life as I was then. For once, I was really just in the moment, and not looking forward to something else. I’ve noticed I do that a lot. My life is about expectations and build ups. Being home it’s always just looking forward that the work day is over, that my saving account is growing, in other words just looking forward to that next trip. And when i’m traveling, I just keep looking forward to the next location – or actually just that part i’m getting there. It’s the movement that I like, I guess. What matters is not the destination but the journey. I just can’t seem to enjoy myself in the moment that much. Unless i’m at a gig. That’s when I feel alive. But today was different. FOR ONCE I WAS ENJOY THE MOMENT AND NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO SOMETHING ELSE.
We were laying in this park in fron of the big az church, enjoying life, in our own thoughts, just minding our own business, when this fucking DOG ran up to us and liked my arm ! THAT FUCKER. Ok, i’m glad it didn’t lick my face – that’s why I blocked it with my arm. But fuck. Thanks to those fucking lousy dog owners, I got a nasty hives in my arm. It was crazy how fast it happened. In 30 seconds the skin, that had been in contact with the saliva (although I washed my arm staright away !), got red with white bumps appearing on it. Thank god not on my face though.
Anyway. We saw these really cool looking bunch of people near a park with the Berlin Fashion Week tent (yeah didn’t know about this before I arrived) that were really trendy. Wanted to snap a picture of them cause from one look at this mixed group of Berliners you could tell what the city was about – fashion and liberalness. When Tom pleasantly asked, whether we could take a picture of them, all we got was a dramatic FUCK YOU from this obviously gay guy. Apparently we had intruded in the middle of some nasty drama that was going on between the kids. Too bad, they were really desperately stylish in their own ways.
Then. God damnit. I spotted Serena van der Cuntzen aka Blake Lively, the star from Gossip Girl. That bitch ruined my day. Don’t think I hate anyone’s character as much as her’s on TV :D
Anyway we got some asian food at the train station and I said bye to Tom who was heading to Switserland for the weekend. He asked me a couple of times to come to London (he’s going there after the weekend) so I might just do that...
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