I was a bit over Amsterdam, since there was nothing really there for me since I don't smoke weed. I probably had the most tamest time (bu certainly not the lamest!) of all people in Amsterdam - I didn't do drugs, didn't sleep with prostitutes nor even got drunk ! Still doesn't mean I didn't enjoy myself :) It was so nice to just relax. Love it how Melanie and Marty are on the same page with me, since they too have traveled, all of us are just SO over drinking. Couldn't really give a fuck to get drunk. "Impulse fest", quoting my almost-relative Liina-Lotta, is alright, but I just hate hate hate it when people plan on getting drunk... In order to achieve the right mentality and feeling for the night, people predrink to get tipsy so they can get drunk.. Doesn't make sense to me anymore (after excessive drinking in Australia). Impulse festing on the other hand - you go out with your mates to have a beer and if you like, you can buy another one, and if it just happens so, that you are in the right mentality and feel like it, you can go ahead and get drunk. Impulse fests are way better anyways. Sorry this rant, but I've just been trying to get this to my Finnish mates' head who have no idea what i'm talking about (cause they didn't spend almost a quarter of last year INTOXICATED). Marty said something that i've been feelign but just haven't really figured how to put into words: "After I came back from Mexico in 2008, after that I haven't been able to drink the same way anymore. Something inside of me just broke on that trip." That's exactly how I feel.
Anyhooo, enough ranting for this entry.
SO yeah, I was ovr Amsterdam and wanted to do a day trip somewhere. I figured I should go to Utrecht since my mate Jasmin, who lives in Holland, has been talking about that place. It's a student town and some o he friends study there. I was actually gonna meet Jasmin there, but then she told me she wouldn't make it until late at night.
I took the train to Utrecht and started exploring the city. I liked it immediately more than Amsterdam. It was just more intimate and cute. Reminded me of Jasmin's village, Terneuzen in Neu Zeiland, near Belgium's border. I was there in 2009 for two weeks and it was just so adorable. It's freaking tiny (although according to Jasmin it has the Netherlands' largest coffee shop, Check Point ?) and I was the ONLY tourist there. I swear :D
So I was just strolling on Utrecth's streets and looking for a café to eat at but I ended up finding this cool Second Hand store !!! It's called Episode, and they have one in Amsterdam, London and some other places. It was two storeys and they had EVERYHTING. Everything was categorized - hats, old converse shoes, "bell shirts", fishnet tank tops ans so forth. I found exactly what I had been looking for - some high waisted jean hot pants !!! I just had to buy them only they costed 20e :S:S:S They were perfect except i'm not sure if they'll fit me when I go back home and when IF i gain some weight (I've lost a lot I think...). I also bought this bellyshirt (shouldn't have had, still after 2 weeks haven't used it) and this lovely, colorful, cool, crazy shirt-y thing, that just screamed my name. It's so me. I was so bad, I wasted freaking 50 euros on that shit... CAN YOU IMAGINE? My whole day budget...
I figured to be a good backpacker and buy some postcards to write back home for friends and family. I asked the shop keeper of Episode, whether he knew of a cheap café that had soups, and he asked whether I knew where place X was "no.." "Well do you havea map?" "Nope, I like getting lost :D". Anyhoo, found this café, wrote ten postcards and left back to Amsterdam.
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