You know how you meet people on your travels and you can categorize them into two different groups?
The first group consists of random cool people you meet, talk on the street to, sit on the bus with, share a hostel room with and so on. People you have fun with and whom you like but know won't stick out so much out when you're thinking about all the people you met on your trip. The people that belong to the second group, on the other hand, are the ones that you also meet randomly at a hostel/party/train/what not, but you just know, that will matter and you’ll remember.
Well today I met someone pretty sweet.
We were sitting in the lobby with Dan, Peter and Jonas, the three Belgians, and waiting for our free tour of Berlin to start. A guy shows up to the reception and turns around asking us whether we know when the tour starts. I could tell straight away from his accent, that he was from Oz. So when we were walking with our group to the train station I started talking to this Australian guy, cause I noticed he was also traveling alone. Tom was from Adelaide and alright.
Our group was taken to this kind of sqaure and I was a bit wtf, cause the square seemed to be full of tourists waiting to get on that same tour as us. There was like 50 people and I had thought we would only be with our 8 people group from the hostel. Seems like the tour was free for all. Anyhoo, the tour guide lined us up (hey just like in school trips..) and suddenly a girl with a very American accent standing behind me and Tom started talking: "Ummm, excuse me, do we like have time for Starbuck's ? I wanna chai latte." We just looked at each other with Tom and I was like omfg, I wanna get the fuck out of this tourist hell. I hate twats like that (you are in Germany do you really needa fucking Starbuck's??! Just enjoy the city.) and I also find Starbuck's so over rated. "Do you just wanna bail?" Tom asked. "Yeah, let's FUCK IT". "Fuck it!" And so we just bounced out of the que away from the tourists and "Chai Latte".
Tom told me that he had been in Berlin for a week already and he knew a fair bit of his way around the city, so he could show me around. Sweeeet, better than a class-trip-kinda-tour ! We decided to head to the East Side Gallery, where the Berlin wall had been. Tom knew quite a bit about history so he was just telling me all this info and being such a tour guide. We walked for like five hours talking non stop, and at one point I noticed I hadn't actually been even paying that much attention to the city, cause I was just too focused in our convo.
But I had such a good time with him. The most awesome thing about Tom was, that he was sooo easy to talk to. We just talked and talked and talked for hours non stop. It was sweet. We went into this suburb to visit his friend at a hostel, but he wasn't there so we just decided to go cook at my hostel. (Tom had been staying at the same hostel as me, but he was changing hostels to be closer to the train station since he was leaving tomorrow night.) I stayed in the hostel while Tom went to buy food and I gave him total freedom t cook what ever he wanted. I actually felt a bit like a fancypancy when I noticed Tom was cooking us meat with gravy. We even had salad, bread and Aussie wine ! :D:D Thought of taking a picture of the meal just to show Melanie and Laura that for once I wasn't eating noodles. Although I was scared that I woulnd't be able to eat thanks to my loss of apetite, I found out I had got it back ! Finally!
Tom asked if I wanted to come party with his mates since it was his final night in Berlin and so we decided to meet at nine in Alexanders platz after we both had taken a nap at our hostels. Somehow I just had a bad feeling about meeting him and just as I suspected, he still hadn't showed up after a half an hour of waiting. I was fucking pissed off cause I felt like an idiot all dolled up and with the guard at Newyorker waiting with me. He must've felt sorry for me :D I also wasn't that discrete with my PINK mini shorts, standing in front of the store in the middle of Alexanders Platz... Some random old guy tried to come pick me up IN GERMAN for his son who was standing a couple meters away. Or at least I think that's what he was trying to do, by the look of how they were checking me out.
The whole way to the hostel I just kept replaying this mantra in my head of fucking dickhead australian cunt wanker. I was just so pissed off. At the same time i knew thought, that he must've just overslept, cause there was no reason what so ever why he would've bown me off. I mean, he was the one who asked me to come out. A couple of times acutally. I bought a beer at the train station to calm my nerves and by the time I was at my hostel, I was fine already. Just wanted to check my Facebook in case he had left me a message. And there he was, online, sitting at some internet café telling he was terribly sorry for oversleeping etcetc. And that he would be waiting for me in Alexanders Platz if I still wanted to come. If not, I could just blow him off in turn.
So I put a bit more hair spray on, bought another beer and headed to meet him. Tom told me I could slap him if I wanted, but I just decided to call him dickhead cunt a couple of times and hit him in th stomach : ) Anyway, cause I think it's unnecessary to be angry at someone for an honest mistake plus i'm such a good person, I forgot about the incident and headed with him to party. His friends were cool enough to fade him so it was just the two of us. Tom took me to this (what I think is an) underground club where they were playing drum and bass. I like dNb but it's not really my scene in terms of dancing so we went to Suicide Circus which was also an underground club in the same venue, near the rail tracks. Danced to electro and oddly slow loungey house music. Oh yea, cause i'm so clumsy and awesome, I fell on my chair, when me and Tom were sitting outside having a beer at the stools. I was just laughing too hard and leaned a bit forward so I lost my balance... Now I have battle wounds.
But yeah... Awesome day/night.
VastaaPoistaGooglettelin vähän reilaukseen liittyvää ja törmäsin tähän blogiis! Ollaan just kaverin kans menossa Berliiniin ainakin yheks yöks, oisko jotain hostelli/asumisehdotuksia? Turvallista ja tietty edullista :) Reittisuunnitelma tällä hetkellä (muuttuu noin 3 kertaa päivässä) tukholma-köpis-amsterdam-rotterdam-?-esseniin serkulle-berliini ja tuttuu reittii takas. 10 päivän kortti ostossa ! Ottaisin mielellään mitä tahansa vinkkejä vastaan, mielellään sähköpostiin, ensikertalaisen epävarmuutta.:D