I didn’t really keep a track of th things that happened in London, since the whole time I spent there felt like a mini holiday from backpacking, cause it was just the maximum of chill. I didn’t really see any of the touristy stuff which didn’t bother me, since I’ve seen it already - although that was 8 years ago and I have no photos left of that class trip... The five days and nights I spent there were just about relaxing and delicious dinners with good wine and conversation. Tom’s uncle, Michael and his wife, Karen were so welcoming and I was just so grateful for their hospitality... It really felt like they were running a hostel with all the Aussies (+ dutchie Rob and me) they had hanging around at the house. We would always wake up pretty early but end up wasting the whole morning in bed anyways. Tom would make me breakfast, which was cool since I had no clue what Karen & Michael had in their kitchen and where to find it. Every night Tom also would cook dinner for all of us and come up with these random recepies on the spot that would always taste fantastic.
How ever, we did go to Camden market with Tom on Thursday and I just fell in love with the place. It was not an average market. They actually sold quality stuff for low price. I was actually a bit dissapointed that I couldn’t find fake black converse anywhere, which is a must thing in every market. I had noticed that my fake Connies had creased from the solum on the night of the rave.. Man, four euro shoes from Poland, should’ve guessed... But on the other hand, the previous fake Cons I purchased in Estonia for 10 euros lasted me FOUR years. Shoes well served. That night we also had dinner with Karen and Michael plus Tom’s mate back from home whom he was traveling with, Kabil, who had joined us to stay at the house. We had quite a bit of wine and left to go out with Tom. We had a glass of wine/beer at Blues Bar before admitting we were pretty nackered and left back home to East Finchley. We stopped at one pub for a beer before heading to the house. That night we had a pretty intense convo with Tom about ”us”. You know how you’re backpacking everything just happens very sped up? Such as relationships. Everything just happens on fast forward and this was no exception.. :) Although we were pretty ridiculous and rushing into things way too fast way too soon, at the time it felt right and I don’t regret what we talked about, although we both admitted later on skype that we were acting a bit retarded :) I blame the wine haha. JK ;)
On Friday we left to town with Tom and Kabil. Can’t really remember our purpose but at least we went to Liverpool Street to the business section and walked around. I took a photo of that ridiculous ”egg” that is supposedly a business building !!! What the fuck. Design to the max. When we left back to the house, Kabil took the tube straight home but me and Tom took the path throught the park and got a bit lost but eventually found our way back pretty easily. Harry, Tom’s other mate, he was traveling with, had finally decided to come and stay with Tom’s uncle too and I was happy ro see him cause I had been talking with him about photography and video cameras at the party on Wednesday. Also Rob, the dutch guy who had been the dj at the party came over. All the guys knew Rob from back home – his big brother worked at Botanical - the bar with Tom and Rob had also visited them in Adelaide and stayed for a month. So they were talking about Adelaide to the extent that I was getting bored. But then Tom cooked everyone dinner and all of us backpackers ate with Tom’s family again and had a lot of wine so it was very pleasant. After dinner we went to look for Tony, another mate of the guys from back home who had been traveling e.g in South America (jealous!). We went to this hostel bar to wait for him and man was that bar horrible. There was this one super lame black guy that was using this same lame tie technique to all the blond chicks. Me and Harry were observing him work his magic and finally when Harry went to the bathroom and the others were out for a smoke, the guy approached me looking very innocent and wanting me to tie his tie. ”Hell no, I know what you’re trying to do.” :D He was just so incredibly lame but thank god left. Tony finally arrived and we bounced. We were pretty poor so we decided to just buy beer from the shop. IT was past midnight but the Indians running th seven eleven didn’t care we just bought it form under the counter..!
Saturday was very chill. All the guys had stayed over so we just spent the whole day in. The boys left to buy beer but I didn’t mind just drinking water. Later on I did though have some drinks as Michael told we could use his bar since he never drunk that stuff anyways. There was a nice collection of everything and almost anything and Tom was loving it. He was really on fire doing all kinds of random drinks and frying banana on a pan in absinthe and such. He was in his element – he is a bartender after all. It was pretty cool watching him experimenting with all these fluids like a chemist. He did miss a couple of times though, and one druink stunk so bad I decided it was better not to drink that stuff :D
So Sunday came. Last day for the boys. Sucked to know it was all coming to an end tomorrow. I would’ve wanted to just spend the day with Tom, just the two of us, but instead we went to Camden with the boys. I did how ever eventually get my will :) And I finally bought AUTHENTIC Converse cause I just couldn’t give a fuck anymore. Cost me a fortune compared to my four euro cheapies but at least I didn’t get any more water in my shoes from all those paddles through those hge cracks in my shoes. We also went to this coooool shop with Tom, Rebel Clothing I think it’s called. I was in a I-don’t-give-a-fuck –mood (and also because they had AMAZINGLY RAD prints)I bought two sick tops that cost me 1,5 days budget ! SIIIIICK. That is NOT the way to backpack ! But i figured, I don’t shop home anyways ever, since i’m constantly saving for my next trip (as I will once again when I get back), so why not buy this fucking sweet top or two that I know i’ll LOVE until the end of time ?
After we got some food from th market and ate it at the park, Harry and Kabil left home and Rob went to visit some oher friends. Me, Tom and Tony left to this cool café/lounge place that seemed more like someone’s living room by the atmosphere of it. We met Darren, Tom’s/Tony’s mate and some four more Aussies from Adelaide/Melbourne and some English people. Someone ordered everyone a jäggermaister shot cause it was someone’s birthday, but other than that it was very relaxed. I was just sipping my beer and wondering why we never had chill Sunday session like this back home, where you would meet our friends all fresh at some cool hang out spot and have a couple drinks without the idea of planning to get fucked up? Just then one of the guys leaned over and asked me, Tom and Tony whether we wanted to chip in for a gram of coke. Okaaaay, so that’s how they roll in England... Sunday and doing coke, aight. (We didn’t though, don’t worry mom !) Tony left to chuck his luggage at Darren’s house and we parted ways. Tom wanted to show me Sunday roast cause I’ve never had that so we went to this pub and split a meal since neither of us was feeling that hungry. It was a nice relaxing evening and like I said, finally got to spend some alone time with Tom :)
But over all, I had a good time. It’s all about the people.