Hitto, ku inhoon kirjottaa takautuvasti mistään.
Mut silti haluan jakaa festarointini ja uploadaankin nytten juuri erästä Rock Werchter -videota utubeen, jotta voisin sen tänne lisätä (koska kaikkien kuuluu saada tietää, miten saada ilmaista bisseä ;) ) !
Oon vähän hukassa itseni kanssa tällä hetkellä (ha huomaatteko miten vaihan englannista suomeksi ja suomesta englanniksi ja siitä taas takas?) vähän joka asian suhteen ja ehkä siksi tekisi mieli perustaa jokin bloginen (niitä yksityisiä aivokaatopaikkatuotoksia varten).. Ikävä sitä livejournalismia v. 2004-2008, kun vuodatti kaiken sydämmestä pääkoppan sisältöön parin näppäilyn voimin. En ole sen jälkeen pystynyt lukemaan tekstejäni takautuvasti.. (hirvittää edes ajatus moisesta) Niin kuin en ole pystynyt lukemaan scriblaamisiani kirjasestanikaan. Kannan siis nykyään mukanani pienen pientä kirjaa, johon kirjoitan kaiken muistilistoista päivän ahdistuksiin ja välillä saatan myös piirtää, jos oikein inspis iskee (esim. koulussa nykyään..........).
En määä tiiä miksi tänne nyt raapustan. Tuntuu ehkä vähän tyhmältä, mutta sisäisesti tarpeelliselta ja kaiken lisäksi oon nyt ehkä hieman tuhdisti viineissä, kiitos porukoitten (ilmaisen) punaviinin. Eihän siitä nyt voi kieltäytyä..
Matkajuttuja - vanhoja kuin uusiakin - on tulossa pian. Tulevia olen hieman vältellyt, koska en ole halunnut ajatella lähteväni mihinkään (ja vanhoja taas siitä, että on ollut inspishukka ja laiskuus) mutta tällä hetkellä, kun tuo ajatus tuntuu oikein hyvältä - tajuan, että se lähtö tulee kuiteskin tapahtumaan ja se on hyvä niin. Erittäin hyvä oikeastaan ihan kaiken kannalta. Erinomainen.
lauantai 27. lokakuuta 2012
Take Me Away
It feels like it's time to pack my bag and leave once again.

..But I guess i'll have to stick to paying rent and listen to my mate's advice to not always run from my problems.
But escapism...oh so fun, and so easy...
..But I guess i'll have to stick to paying rent and listen to my mate's advice to not always run from my problems.
But escapism...oh so fun, and so easy...
sunnuntai 14. lokakuuta 2012
keskiviikko 29. elokuuta 2012
Long Time No Ocean
Long time no ocean.
Ready, set, DANCE @ Creamfields 2012
En tiiä mistä alottaisin, kun kaikkea on tapahtunut enkä oikein oo varma, mistä kaikesta nyt pitäis/haluis tänne avautua, kun tämähän on kuitenkin vain matkablogi.
Kiirettä on pitäny, oon alottanu uudessa duunissa (yey, kassahuorailut jää nyt siis vähemmälle <3), nähny kavereita ja käyny festaroimassa Englannissa. Sit ku lisää päälle kaiken dokaamisen ja darraamisen ja muuton duunaamisen, niin ei oo jääny oikein aikaa eikä jaksamisia tälle blogille. Tarve kirjottaa ei kuitenkaan ole laantunut - ei suinkaan - oon alkanut kantamaan pientä kirjasta mukanani sitten Rock Werchterin. Tuo aina mukanani kulkeva kirjanen on ollut kunnon henkireikä mustekynällä turhituine sivuineen. Välillä on nimittäin tuntunut, että pakko päästä purkamaan tätä ajatuskopan sisustaa rasitteistaan kuin myös ideoistaan...!
However, mulla ois vielä vaikka mitä tänne kirjotettavaa, kunhan vain tänne aikaseksi saisin. Rock Werchteristä on vaikka mitä videoita uppaamatta (mm. how to get a free lift backpacker style + en_koskaan_enää_lähe_hakemaan_bisseä_neljäks_päiväks_kahelle_ihmiselle -reissu) ja en malta kertoa teille, kuinka VITUIKSI viime viikonloppuinen Creamfields -festarireissu Englantiin meni : D Muistin myös, että huhtikuun lopussa tehty Eurotrip-reissuakin olen jo alkanut purkaamaan, mutta en ole koskaan muistanut/jaksanut kirjottaa trippiä puhtaaksi.
A lot of stuff to come, siis.
Mutta, kuten jo sanoin, meitsi on muuttamassa tässä (perjantaina!) ja koulukin alkaa maanantaina, niin katellaan, millon tuun ehtiin päivittämään tätä.
PS. Harkitsen paluuta Blogspottiin - pitäisikö?
PPS. Aivan offtopic, mutta sain kuulla eilen äidiltä, että oon koko ikäni elänyt harhassa luullen, että oikea sana straightforwardille on suorasukkanen eikä suorasukanen.. Perus.
En tiiä mistä alottaisin, kun kaikkea on tapahtunut enkä oikein oo varma, mistä kaikesta nyt pitäis/haluis tänne avautua, kun tämähän on kuitenkin vain matkablogi.
Kiirettä on pitäny, oon alottanu uudessa duunissa (yey, kassahuorailut jää nyt siis vähemmälle <3), nähny kavereita ja käyny festaroimassa Englannissa. Sit ku lisää päälle kaiken dokaamisen ja darraamisen ja muuton duunaamisen, niin ei oo jääny oikein aikaa eikä jaksamisia tälle blogille. Tarve kirjottaa ei kuitenkaan ole laantunut - ei suinkaan - oon alkanut kantamaan pientä kirjasta mukanani sitten Rock Werchterin. Tuo aina mukanani kulkeva kirjanen on ollut kunnon henkireikä mustekynällä turhituine sivuineen. Välillä on nimittäin tuntunut, että pakko päästä purkamaan tätä ajatuskopan sisustaa rasitteistaan kuin myös ideoistaan...!
However, mulla ois vielä vaikka mitä tänne kirjotettavaa, kunhan vain tänne aikaseksi saisin. Rock Werchteristä on vaikka mitä videoita uppaamatta (mm. how to get a free lift backpacker style + en_koskaan_enää_lähe_hakemaan_bisseä_neljäks_päiväks_kahelle_ihmiselle -reissu) ja en malta kertoa teille, kuinka VITUIKSI viime viikonloppuinen Creamfields -festarireissu Englantiin meni : D Muistin myös, että huhtikuun lopussa tehty Eurotrip-reissuakin olen jo alkanut purkaamaan, mutta en ole koskaan muistanut/jaksanut kirjottaa trippiä puhtaaksi.
A lot of stuff to come, siis.
Mutta, kuten jo sanoin, meitsi on muuttamassa tässä (perjantaina!) ja koulukin alkaa maanantaina, niin katellaan, millon tuun ehtiin päivittämään tätä.
PS. Harkitsen paluuta Blogspottiin - pitäisikö?
PPS. Aivan offtopic, mutta sain kuulla eilen äidiltä, että oon koko ikäni elänyt harhassa luullen, että oikea sana straightforwardille on suorasukkanen eikä suorasukanen.. Perus.
lauantai 7. heinäkuuta 2012
Rock Werchter Day 1
LIKE A BAWS - Didn't even have to show my passport at Helsinki-Vantaa airport's counter, cause the lady recognized me ;) The journey to Belgium started in a neat way for Masa as well, when he was informed that they had overbooked his flight. We were supposed to fly to Brussels with different companies, I with Finnair and Masa with KLM through Amsterdam. Since there was no space on KLM's flight, they switched him on FINNAIR'S flight - the same one as me! - that was a straight flight to Brussels and they even gave him 150€ worth of vouchers for KLM :D So all in all he paid 35€ for the flight... What's best was when they apologized that unfortunately they didn't have a window seat left on Finnair's flight 8D Masa must've been devastated ! Oh, and the fortunes continued when we realized there was a seat next to mine free, so we got to sit next to each other : )
The adventure continued in Brussels when we noticed that Masa's luggage was no where to be seen ! : D Oh well, I'm sure Masa didn't mind the 70€ worth of necessities (does that include beer?) he got to purchase on Finnair's expense ;) After some H&M shopping and Carrefour we set out to the train station where we took the train to Leuven where we hopped on the Rock Werchter Bus. We were a bit bummed to get our camping spot at camping A4 cause it seemed a bit dead... we were just next to the cool camping site A3, where I had been staying in 2009! Walking the road to from the camping site to the festival was slightly deja vuish, since that's when I actually realized I was staying in the camping site next to the one where I used to stay. Walking that straight road some twenty times three years ago had burned the image in my mind so vividly that no matter how everything might've looked the same with the trees and all, I knew I was walking the same road.
Masa's "luggage" hahahah
Swopped our e-tickets to our wristies (which were mainly white.. noo) and got our vouchers. We had time to kill as the first and only bands we wanted to see that day were The Kooks and Justice which were starting at 00:00 and 01:15 so we got some beer and went to see what else the festival had to offer. We stumbled upon Netsky playing in Pyramid Marquee and stayed to watch the young guy dj. My bro had said something about Netsky to me and he was actually pretty good, regardless that he was playing drum n bass which I usually hate to dance to!
Next we checked out Selah Sue, a Belgian female artist I had never heard of but which pleasantly surprised me with her combination of reggae, soul and jazz. She had a beautiful voice which created a nice and chill atmosphere in the setting sun. After her performance that we had been watching as we were sitting outside The Barn, we headed back to the Pyramid Marquee which was full of people waiting to hear Skream ft. Sgt Pokes. I hadn't ever listened to Skream but knew the name from a lot of my mates so figured he was worth checking out. And right I was, weird how dubstep, a genre I rarely listen to as 99,9% of it seems to be shit, turns appealing when you are dancing to it outside in the dark with ten thousand people as the lights flicker...!
Since I was mesmerized by dancing to the hypnotizing beat, I decided to skip The Kooks as I had already seen them the previous year in Heineken Open'er. Masa left to see the band and we decided to meet up in our meeting spot after Justice. As Skream ended his set, I walked to the Mainstage and wondered who the f*ck was on stage before I realized it was The Cure. Not really my cup of tea but they were nearly done with their set so I didn't mind. Not bad though from Robert Smith - age really seems to only be a number!
I ran to line to get in front as in Werchter they have this system that they only let a number of people in to the second closest area of the stage and then close the gates so that no more people can come in (and thus the risk of people getting squished is diminished). From the second area there are one more set of gates from which the willing - the true fans - can enter to the nearest area - to the are where the magic happens!
So naturally I got to the first area - cause it's just in my genes to get into the front row if I will ;D Waited impatiently for Justice and was super stoked when they began ! But... I was really disappointed... The songs were mixed in a really terrible way, and the remixes intros weren't really something that people could dance to... Seemed like the French DJ duo were just really bored of their minds and willing to see how far away they could get with fucking around with the crowd. Then again, might just be that I'm comparing them to the first time I saw them in Provinssirock 2008. That time they were fucking amazing - I might've been pissed drunk that night but I remember dancing my ass off with this reporter girl from NY and being amazed by the light show and how everything was mixed so well together. Maybe like in Provinssirock Justice should've been situated in the Marquee tent ? Some acts, and usually most electronic/dj sets are way better in an intimate tent setting. Also, seemed like Justice had nothing new to offer. I mean, yeah i've heard that they have a new album and I've heard Civilization but that song just really bores me and doesn't make me intrigued to check out their latest abum.. Kinda seems like Justice has come to the end of its life.
Also one thing that really got me aggravated and might've been the reason to spoil my Justice experience was the crowd... HOW FUCKING RUDE WERE PEOPLE? I mean, usually when I go to a gig / festival, the music is such an amazing thing that it connects people and creates this sense of community. So no matter if I'm in a gig with Finnish people - which are the most socially retarded people in the whole white world - I know that if I'll look at a total stranger and smile at them, they'll do the same and we'll sing along together like we're long lost friends. But not these Belgians. They would respond to a smile by ignoring you and looking in the other direction ??? :D Luckily I bumped into two Dutchies which one resembled my mate Tom along his Aussie accent he had picked up from an Aussie mate and the other's eyes were an exact copy of Ryan Kwanten's chocolate eyes <3 ! I raved with them and I felt way better :) After the gig we met up with Masa who was super tired and decided to go straight to bed and I soon catched up with him.
Not bad for a first day :)
torstai 28. kesäkuuta 2012
keskiviikko 27. kesäkuuta 2012
maanantai 25. kesäkuuta 2012
Yeeey ticket shit sorted out !

AKA this chick is going to Rock Werchter for sure !!! :)
Don't even care anymore for having to spend another 160€ because I'M GOOING TO SEE KASABIAAAAAN (among other <3's)
This weekend was Mid Summer Party and unlike 98% of the people who left the city to their summer cottages, I spent my Juhannus in Helsinki. Although my Juhannus was pretty random, I spent it with my partner in crime and thus had a fucking blaaaast !
Note to self: next time your mate tells you there will be no public transportation before 11am on Juhannuspäivä, believe her : D
LET'S EVERYBODY KEEP OUR FINGERS CROSSED FOR SUPER DUPER WEATHER FOR BOTH FINLAND & BELGIUM :] (Although dancing in your gummies and your rain ponco to your fav bands while it's pissing down rain at a festival is aweeeesome, like we discovered last summer !)
AKA this chick is going to Rock Werchter for sure !!! :)
Don't even care anymore for having to spend another 160€ because I'M GOOING TO SEE KASABIAAAAAN (among other <3's)

...Hitching maybe on Juhannus but not to Werchter!
This weekend was Mid Summer Party and unlike 98% of the people who left the city to their summer cottages, I spent my Juhannus in Helsinki. Although my Juhannus was pretty random, I spent it with my partner in crime and thus had a fucking blaaaast !
Greetings from Heidi
Note to self: next time your mate tells you there will be no public transportation before 11am on Juhannuspäivä, believe her : D
Missäs muualkaa ku Kallios
LET'S EVERYBODY KEEP OUR FINGERS CROSSED FOR SUPER DUPER WEATHER FOR BOTH FINLAND & BELGIUM :] (Although dancing in your gummies and your rain ponco to your fav bands while it's pissing down rain at a festival is aweeeesome, like we discovered last summer !)
sunnuntai 17. kesäkuuta 2012
Don't know how to begin but basically, I fucked up big time : DDDD
Basically, I received an email from Finnair and realized I had booked the wrong motherfucking flights.
Do you notice something's wrong ?
Yep yep, quite much EFFORT to fly from Brussels to Helsinki when you're not in Belgium for starters... Megafaaaaaail. That's what happens when you find a cheaper ticket on the last minute and when you are pretty accustomed to buying plane tickets aka you get sloppy.
I was fucking choked, called Finnair but they can't do anything about it. + It's not like I booked the flights 15 minutes ago... I bought them two weeks ago and noticed only now when they sent me my itinerary or what ever. So yeaaah, good fucking luck getting to Rock Werchter ! (Probs forgot to mention but me and Masa are going!)
I just might might might might be able to turn things around.. we'll see! First have to contact some people and etc.
But if not... this is what IS going to happen (as I am broke, in debt and have no money to buy a new ticket):

Got a ride in a motherfcking JAGUAR !!

Photos from 2009 summer when me and Jasmin hitched from Terneuzen (Holland) to Gent (Belgium) so we could catch the train to the same festival I am aiming for this year - ROCK WERCHTER !!!!
-BUT, happen what happens, the fact is, that there is no way in HELL I am missing Rock Werchter and e.g. Kasabian & Deadmau5 play...! HELL NO-
Keep your fingers crossed and I'll keep you guys posted!
PS. There is this one thing that happened to me for the first time ever ! Two days ago this girl came up to me at work and told me she read my blog !! aww, made me so happy ! So, if you read my blog and see me, come say hi! I don't bite, I promise :)
Basically, I received an email from Finnair and realized I had booked the wrong motherfucking flights.
Flight | From | To | Departs | Arrives | Reservation | |
AY 3114 | Brussels Terminal: | Helsinki-Vantaa Terminal: 2 | 28JUN12 07:40 | 28JUN12 11:05 | Confirmed Class: Economy Baggage: 1 bag(s) | |
AY 813 | Helsinki-Vantaa Terminal: 2 | Brussels Terminal: | 02JUL12 15:30 | 02JUL12 17:05 | Confirmed Class: Economy Baggage: 1 bag(s) |
Do you notice something's wrong ?
Yep yep, quite much EFFORT to fly from Brussels to Helsinki when you're not in Belgium for starters... Megafaaaaaail. That's what happens when you find a cheaper ticket on the last minute and when you are pretty accustomed to buying plane tickets aka you get sloppy.
I was fucking choked, called Finnair but they can't do anything about it. + It's not like I booked the flights 15 minutes ago... I bought them two weeks ago and noticed only now when they sent me my itinerary or what ever. So yeaaah, good fucking luck getting to Rock Werchter ! (Probs forgot to mention but me and Masa are going!)
I just might might might might be able to turn things around.. we'll see! First have to contact some people and etc.
But if not... this is what IS going to happen (as I am broke, in debt and have no money to buy a new ticket):
Got a ride in a motherfcking JAGUAR !!
Photos from 2009 summer when me and Jasmin hitched from Terneuzen (Holland) to Gent (Belgium) so we could catch the train to the same festival I am aiming for this year - ROCK WERCHTER !!!!
-BUT, happen what happens, the fact is, that there is no way in HELL I am missing Rock Werchter and e.g. Kasabian & Deadmau5 play...! HELL NO-
Keep your fingers crossed and I'll keep you guys posted!
PS. There is this one thing that happened to me for the first time ever ! Two days ago this girl came up to me at work and told me she read my blog !! aww, made me so happy ! So, if you read my blog and see me, come say hi! I don't bite, I promise :)
tiistai 5. kesäkuuta 2012
DigiPhoto Portfolio: Traveling
I took a course in digital photography in school and for our final assignment we had to prepare our own portfolio.
So here's mine, i'm pretty happy with the pics although they are old.

PS. so proud I now master new skills on photoshop e.g. I edited one irrelevant girl out of the picture with the girl in the fur hat. She was standing right next to her and I'm so amazed with how good of a job I managed to do ;)
So here's mine, i'm pretty happy with the pics although they are old.
PS. so proud I now master new skills on photoshop e.g. I edited one irrelevant girl out of the picture with the girl in the fur hat. She was standing right next to her and I'm so amazed with how good of a job I managed to do ;)
keskiviikko 23. toukokuuta 2012
Helsinki love
If last weekend was just a preview of how my summer is going to be like, I don't regret a tiny bit staying in Helsinki !!!
Had truly an INCREDIBLE weekend.
Thanks to you all for making it so special. (:
maanantai 14. toukokuuta 2012
Looking Ahead
I've had my head up in the clouds the past couple of days.
Looks like calculating future revenue is trending - once again!
Just can't help to dream of the day I finish school...
The amount of money i'll have on my bank account then makes me smile knowing I'll be able to finally fulfill many of my dreams aka first being getting far away from this land of silence, alcoholics and melancholy.
Started actually wondering whether i'll even come back to Finland cause by the looks of my plans atm, seems like i'll be gone for at least 3 years. But, then again - I like to think of not really having that vivid plans - just an outline and an direction of how I wanna spend my time after I graduate. Not going straight to the rat race - that's for sure. I'm considering it more in the way of buying a one way ticket and seeing what happens - A lifestyle choice. Who knows, maybe i'll fall in love with life somewhere I travel, decide to find an easy going job and settle for less. Feels good not to be one of those people who crave for insignificant things like success and status... My goal in life is happiness... And I've been fairly certain for some years now that it's not what i'll find here or working some nine to five job I hate.
So, change of plans: looks like I won't be taking it easy and enjoying life this summer at all... But sweating it off and saving are just opportunity costs I'm willing to pay for my future prospects, goals and dreams. In the end it always pays off.
I've had my head up in the clouds the past couple of days.
Looks like calculating future revenue is trending - once again!
Just can't help to dream of the day I finish school...
The amount of money i'll have on my bank account then makes me smile knowing I'll be able to finally fulfill many of my dreams aka first being getting far away from this land of silence, alcoholics and melancholy.
Started actually wondering whether i'll even come back to Finland cause by the looks of my plans atm, seems like i'll be gone for at least 3 years. But, then again - I like to think of not really having that vivid plans - just an outline and an direction of how I wanna spend my time after I graduate. Not going straight to the rat race - that's for sure. I'm considering it more in the way of buying a one way ticket and seeing what happens - A lifestyle choice. Who knows, maybe i'll fall in love with life somewhere I travel, decide to find an easy going job and settle for less. Feels good not to be one of those people who crave for insignificant things like success and status... My goal in life is happiness... And I've been fairly certain for some years now that it's not what i'll find here or working some nine to five job I hate.
So, change of plans: looks like I won't be taking it easy and enjoying life this summer at all... But sweating it off and saving are just opportunity costs I'm willing to pay for my future prospects, goals and dreams. In the end it always pays off.
lauantai 12. toukokuuta 2012
Oh boy. This tune can be described wit one word: LONGING.
This song makes me wanna pack my bag and disappear !
I'm currently lying in bed, nurturing my Ice-Hockey-Defeat-Hangover. Damn you Canadians. Although I got back home from Eurotrip, I've still been on multiple adventures. My latest trips include going to the Docs to get stronger meds for the stupid pollen allergy (wouldn't mind to breath), traveling from home to work and trying to drunk navigate home from watching the Finland - Canada match last night. I had to wait for 1,5 fucking hours at the Central Railway Station last night - or should I say morning (4:40 AM) - cause I got a drunken brilliant idea of playing tag with my mate. Of course I ran, lost my mate (who was supposed to house me for the night) and just then my phone's battery ran out. HAPPY DAYS! Cold, Sad, Tired and Broke @ the railway station. Was the happiest bird when the first bus FINALLY left a 06:05 and fell asleep as soon as I sat down. Thank god my drunk-autopilot was on aka my internal GPS started alarming when I was on my stop. Managed only to miss home with one stop. yay! (It's still a mystery how this works!)
All in all - was a good night spent with several random characters - pretty multicultural too. Hung out last night with Damn Canadians, an American, Brits, a Romanian, Mexican, Colombian and an Ecuadorian and an Marketing Consultant from New York. Not to forget about the various Africans that tried cheering me up at the station in the morning. Cool night.
PS. Just writing about Europtrip - will publish soon !
PPS. Talked with Marita, one of my fav aunts, and I might just be accompanying her, Mirsad (my awesome/cool/fantastic Montenegrin uncle) and my cousin Rafael to Monte Negro in the summer !!!!!!!!!!!! STOKED.
Oh boy. This tune can be described wit one word: LONGING.
This song makes me wanna pack my bag and disappear !
I'm currently lying in bed, nurturing my Ice-Hockey-Defeat-Hangover. Damn you Canadians. Although I got back home from Eurotrip, I've still been on multiple adventures. My latest trips include going to the Docs to get stronger meds for the stupid pollen allergy (wouldn't mind to breath), traveling from home to work and trying to drunk navigate home from watching the Finland - Canada match last night. I had to wait for 1,5 fucking hours at the Central Railway Station last night - or should I say morning (4:40 AM) - cause I got a drunken brilliant idea of playing tag with my mate. Of course I ran, lost my mate (who was supposed to house me for the night) and just then my phone's battery ran out. HAPPY DAYS! Cold, Sad, Tired and Broke @ the railway station. Was the happiest bird when the first bus FINALLY left a 06:05 and fell asleep as soon as I sat down. Thank god my drunk-autopilot was on aka my internal GPS started alarming when I was on my stop. Managed only to miss home with one stop. yay! (It's still a mystery how this works!)
All in all - was a good night spent with several random characters - pretty multicultural too. Hung out last night with Damn Canadians, an American, Brits, a Romanian, Mexican, Colombian and an Ecuadorian and an Marketing Consultant from New York. Not to forget about the various Africans that tried cheering me up at the station in the morning. Cool night.
PS. Just writing about Europtrip - will publish soon !
PPS. Talked with Marita, one of my fav aunts, and I might just be accompanying her, Mirsad (my awesome/cool/fantastic Montenegrin uncle) and my cousin Rafael to Monte Negro in the summer !!!!!!!!!!!! STOKED.
torstai 3. toukokuuta 2012
maanantai 23. huhtikuuta 2012
Ei oo kyl kisakunto sitä, mitä se oli ennen.
Yritän täs just kerää itteeni, että jaksas nousta sängystä.
Eilisen saldo: 3 bissee ja yks shotti - sit alko ryydyttää niin tarpeeks, että oli pakko lähtee nukkuun. Tänään vois jaksaa sinne red light districtille asti!
Ei oo kyl kisakunto sitä, mitä se oli ennen.
Yritän täs just kerää itteeni, että jaksas nousta sängystä.
Eilisen saldo: 3 bissee ja yks shotti - sit alko ryydyttää niin tarpeeks, että oli pakko lähtee nukkuun. Tänään vois jaksaa sinne red light districtille asti!
sunnuntai 22. huhtikuuta 2012
Just Arrived to Amsterdam
Yeah.... Forget about what I said about studying..
Drunk @ Party Bus 24/7
(Basically from 3pm onward)
Drunk @ Party Bus 24/7
(Basically from 3pm onward)
perjantai 20. huhtikuuta 2012
My god.. and here we go again.

Yesterday I was at Helsinginkadun Approt.. so basically a pub crawl with your classmates in your overalls......... I counted today at least 12 stamps (1 stamp for each drink per bar) and that doesn't include the double dirnks I had at some places, the shots Gleb bought for everyone, Circus' drinks nor the many drinks me, Otto and Lauri had after everyone left home..... And yet, I still don't have the patch from Apport :D Go me.

Anyways... Tomo out EM + EBA degree students are leaving on a Eurotrip. I'm understating this when I say that I'm a bit scared. Fingers crossed that everything will go alright on this 9 day bender and that I'll be able to study for my economics + accounting exams and complete all the ten thousand BizCom assignments I haven't been bothered to do. So basically, if I succeed in those, I might blog from the road. After all, we will be spending heaps of time on the bus (as long as i'm not nurturing my hangovers and I get to read all the chapters I have some free time for writing!)
Life's prettier from inside a beer glass (waterbeerproof cameras ftw!)
Here's our new, updated timetable
You should see the power point slides Marko, our awesome teacher sent us on out timetable... It's fucking HECTIC. The best part though:
"Few other things to remember:
- As you are all our students it means you know your responsibilities in general – we have tight schedule throughout the trip so bus won’t really wait for anyone. Be it Stockholm, Amsterdam or Berlin, they have cheap flights back to Helsinki should you miss the bus J Also, special reminder for those wishing to party like there is no tomorrow on the first night – mind the others, we won’t have time to stop for extra breaks."
haha :D
Yesterday I was at Helsinginkadun Approt.. so basically a pub crawl with your classmates in your overalls......... I counted today at least 12 stamps (1 stamp for each drink per bar) and that doesn't include the double dirnks I had at some places, the shots Gleb bought for everyone, Circus' drinks nor the many drinks me, Otto and Lauri had after everyone left home..... And yet, I still don't have the patch from Apport :D Go me.
Anyways... Tomo out EM + EBA degree students are leaving on a Eurotrip. I'm understating this when I say that I'm a bit scared. Fingers crossed that everything will go alright on this 9 day bender and that I'll be able to study for my economics + accounting exams and complete all the ten thousand BizCom assignments I haven't been bothered to do. So basically, if I succeed in those, I might blog from the road. After all, we will be spending heaps of time on the bus (as long as i'm not nurturing my hangovers and I get to read all the chapters I have some free time for writing!)
Here's our new, updated timetable
Friday 20th - departure from Helsinki center at 15:45 - ferry to Stockholm
Saturday 21st - bus drive from Stockholm to Copenhagen
Sunday 22nd - bus drive from Copenhagen to Amsterdam
Monday 23rd - visit to INHOLLAND University of Applied Sciences, sightseeing in Amsterdam
Tuesday 24th - visit to Utrecht University of Applied Sciences - drive to Brussels
Wednesday 25th - visit to European Parliament, Helsinki EU office, sightseeing in Brussels
Thursday 26th - Drive from Brussels to Berlin
Friday 27th - Visit to Berlin School of Economics and Law, company visit, Berlin sightseeing
Saturday 28th - Drive to Poland, ferry to Sweden
Sunday 29th - ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki
Saturday 21st - bus drive from Stockholm to Copenhagen
Sunday 22nd - bus drive from Copenhagen to Amsterdam
Monday 23rd - visit to INHOLLAND University of Applied Sciences, sightseeing in Amsterdam
Tuesday 24th - visit to Utrecht University of Applied Sciences - drive to Brussels
Wednesday 25th - visit to European Parliament, Helsinki EU office, sightseeing in Brussels
Thursday 26th - Drive from Brussels to Berlin
Friday 27th - Visit to Berlin School of Economics and Law, company visit, Berlin sightseeing
Saturday 28th - Drive to Poland, ferry to Sweden
Sunday 29th - ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki
You should see the power point slides Marko, our awesome teacher sent us on out timetable... It's fucking HECTIC. The best part though:
"Few other things to remember:
- As you are all our students it means you know your responsibilities in general – we have tight schedule throughout the trip so bus won’t really wait for anyone. Be it Stockholm, Amsterdam or Berlin, they have cheap flights back to Helsinki should you miss the bus J Also, special reminder for those wishing to party like there is no tomorrow on the first night – mind the others, we won’t have time to stop for extra breaks."
haha :D
sunnuntai 15. huhtikuuta 2012
Tried to write this in Finnish but goddamn, dunno if it's this hungover or just the lack of my ability to produce anything written in Finnish anymore...

I feel pretty lost right now. I have tons of ideas of where I could go and how I could spend my vacation, but I just don't know which idea sounds the most appealing or whether anything really sounds that appealing that I would be bothered enough to whore myself out as a cashier and save every penny. I just feel like I don't have any MUST SEE -top places any more that I would like to see (ofc South America but that's something I won't cover in such a short time as a summer vacation) or things that would reeeeeaally get me pumping.
I don't know. Must be the problem of when you have too much to chose from, the difficulty to chose steps in and nothing sounds more appealing than the other.
Anyhoo, here are the stuff I am currently deciding on. Might be that I'll do some, might be that I'll do none. Who the fuck knows.

1) Bali in May
Yeaaaah Randomness. Was not planning on this at all but then Jean told me there's a four day rave at a volcano happening and that I should come. Would also be cool to surf and Claudia would be there so could have a couple messy nights in Kuta with her! Probably the most appealing matter is though the fact that nowadays I have the ability to fly standby... which means, I could get to South East Asia for money close to nothing... Kinda intrigued to just go to the airport and try it out.

2) Band of Skulls @ Berlin
Really really really wanna see Band of Skulls live and they would be playing a small venue gig in Berlin on May 15th. I've been meaning to go to Berlin again so this would be a perfect combination. The only thing that's stopping me from going is that I don't have anyone to go with. And you CAN'T possibly go to a gig by yourself ! My Canadian couz Laura, who is now doing her exchange in Paris would be willing to go but she most likely will have her finals on that day :/ I really wanna go though so I'm gonna see if I can find someone to go with me.

3) Tall Ship Races
Dad told me he knows some people that work at the dockyard or what ever so he suggested he could ask around if there are still places available. But somehow, now that I got so accustomed to the idea of not being able to participate, I don't know if I wanna go anymore (?!?!? yeah wtf is wrong with me)
4) Surfing in Portugal
Wrote about this already. This would take place in July but let's see if i'll make it happen.

4) Creamfields
I'm pretty sure i'm going. Last year I was so up for it but unfortunately my school had just started so there was no way I could've missed on the first days of school (especially since I had only started as a Freshman). This year however, the line up is even sicker and now that Tomorrowland failed, I'm even more sure i'll go. PLUS the tickets only cost 140e with camping !! The only reason why I haven't purchased my ticket yet, is because my friends are still in doubt whether they wanna go (tyyyypical... always someone holding me back.. maybe I should just buy the ticket for myself and see what happens?)

5) Berlin in August
Pretty sure we are going to make this happen with a couple mates - Masa, Jassu, Aava, Ansku. Spend a week in the coolest city in Europe (after Helsinki ofc ;) ) viewing street art, going through thrift stores, attending sick parties and just wondering on the well designed streets of Berlin.

I think the main reasons that are holding me back - or why I don't feel so SUPER enthusiastic about the ideas of e.g. Bali, Tall Ship Races or a longer trip, is that maybe I subconsciously long to be at home. Maybe I miss stability and long for not having to be in full motion all the time. The past three years starting from early 2009 when I was collecting money for Mexico and the 2 weeks in Holland/Netherlands, combined with Rock Werchter, up till last winter holiday's Bali trip has just been such a hassle. Those 12 fucking months I spent working working working, saving saving saving for Australia (best trip of my life so far) was quite a lot. It was ofc rewarding, but also really fucking stressful and a lot to handle. Sometimes I would wake up, get ready, go work 10 hours, come back home to go straight to bed and sleep 12 hours just to wake up to the same thing again. Or I would have four part time jobs at the same time and managing my time would be a superwoman skill.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I _fucking_ love traveling. I don't think I feel anywhere more at home and like myself when I'm on the road with my backpack on my shoulders or when I am jumping up and down all sweaty to the rhythm of the music. I just think that I've realized that I need a break from it. In 2009 I worked after school to save till Holland/Netherlands, went there in the summer, fell in love at Rock Werchter, came home for three days, sat on a plane and flew to Mexico for a month. Came home in August with a feeling of longing and like my heart was about to explode & decided to make Australia come true. Worked for a year, fought with dad the whole time, was getting stressed, anxious, depressed but made it through. Worked like a machine, smiled at 10 grand in my bank account, hoped on a plane in October. Heart full of hope and mind full of adventure. Journey took 39 hours to Cairns. Had the best three months of my life in Oz and then traveled to Morocco where I had the worst month of my life. Came home anxious and depressed and realized I had to take care of myself. Got better, saved, worked, saved, worked, went to Heineken Open'er in Poland and Interailing by myself for a month. Realized I liked traveling by myself. Came home worked the rest of the vacation, started school in the end of August and multitasked my way through a report card full of 5's (top grade) and a bank account enough of money to fly to Bali. Spent Christmas and my B-day with strangers (& Jasmine) again. Came back.

Although I've had the best time of my life I can't help it to feel a bit tired. I feel like i've been in full motion all the time and that I haven't been able to catch my breath. I feel like I live according to two very distinct cycles - one is where I work and save and barely have time to see any of my mates and the other where I feel like I am living. This last school year I've only had time to see my best mate THREE TIMES thanks to school and working when ever I have free time and spending the rest of my free time abroad.
Feels like the past three years have been super hectic. Work work work -phase, travel, come back, work work work, travel, come back, work work work and so on... Full speed on and on and on.

Like I already said - Don't get me wrong - I love my life. But - Would also be nice to live back in home every once in a while and not only when I'm backpacking. Also everytime when I go fetch/drop someone off at the airport I just feel super tired. I used to looove airports but nowadays the sight of one makes me feel stressed. That's why I've realized that maybe should just stay in Finland for the summer. Catch my breath. "Take some time off". Enjoy life here. Ofc I want to and probably will make shorter trips but I think I've had enough of "longer" trips for now. At least until December.

I realized that how cool would it be to just enjoy the summer in the city, in lovely little Helsinki. The best city in the world. How wonderful would it be to have an actual SUMMER VACATION. I have tons of shit I wanna save up for but I mean, what if I would work but not work to the max this summer? What if I would live for myself and not for my bank account this summer? Thinking about money and always maxing your balance up just results into no social life and I would like to do something else than sit as the check out girl.
So yeah. I think I might just chill the fuck out and stay in one spot (apart from those minitravels) this summer.
Dunno where this long rant came from. It's just that this has been on my mind and I've been so confused about not KNOWING what I want. Until I realized what I actually wanted :)
But yeh, the sun is shining, the snow is melting and i'm having a happy hangover so life is good :) I better get back to studying now since I have three presentations (gonna have to rock the corporate whore -look again :((( ) and two exams on Mon-Fri.
Next Friday off to Eurotrip with my class !
I feel pretty lost right now. I have tons of ideas of where I could go and how I could spend my vacation, but I just don't know which idea sounds the most appealing or whether anything really sounds that appealing that I would be bothered enough to whore myself out as a cashier and save every penny. I just feel like I don't have any MUST SEE -top places any more that I would like to see (ofc South America but that's something I won't cover in such a short time as a summer vacation) or things that would reeeeeaally get me pumping.
I don't know. Must be the problem of when you have too much to chose from, the difficulty to chose steps in and nothing sounds more appealing than the other.
Anyhoo, here are the stuff I am currently deciding on. Might be that I'll do some, might be that I'll do none. Who the fuck knows.
1) Bali in May
Yeaaaah Randomness. Was not planning on this at all but then Jean told me there's a four day rave at a volcano happening and that I should come. Would also be cool to surf and Claudia would be there so could have a couple messy nights in Kuta with her! Probably the most appealing matter is though the fact that nowadays I have the ability to fly standby... which means, I could get to South East Asia for money close to nothing... Kinda intrigued to just go to the airport and try it out.
2) Band of Skulls @ Berlin
Really really really wanna see Band of Skulls live and they would be playing a small venue gig in Berlin on May 15th. I've been meaning to go to Berlin again so this would be a perfect combination. The only thing that's stopping me from going is that I don't have anyone to go with. And you CAN'T possibly go to a gig by yourself ! My Canadian couz Laura, who is now doing her exchange in Paris would be willing to go but she most likely will have her finals on that day :/ I really wanna go though so I'm gonna see if I can find someone to go with me.
3) Tall Ship Races
Dad told me he knows some people that work at the dockyard or what ever so he suggested he could ask around if there are still places available. But somehow, now that I got so accustomed to the idea of not being able to participate, I don't know if I wanna go anymore (?!?!? yeah wtf is wrong with me)
4) Surfing in Portugal
Wrote about this already. This would take place in July but let's see if i'll make it happen.
4) Creamfields
I'm pretty sure i'm going. Last year I was so up for it but unfortunately my school had just started so there was no way I could've missed on the first days of school (especially since I had only started as a Freshman). This year however, the line up is even sicker and now that Tomorrowland failed, I'm even more sure i'll go. PLUS the tickets only cost 140e with camping !! The only reason why I haven't purchased my ticket yet, is because my friends are still in doubt whether they wanna go (tyyyypical... always someone holding me back.. maybe I should just buy the ticket for myself and see what happens?)
5) Berlin in August
Pretty sure we are going to make this happen with a couple mates - Masa, Jassu, Aava, Ansku. Spend a week in the coolest city in Europe (after Helsinki ofc ;) ) viewing street art, going through thrift stores, attending sick parties and just wondering on the well designed streets of Berlin.
I think the main reasons that are holding me back - or why I don't feel so SUPER enthusiastic about the ideas of e.g. Bali, Tall Ship Races or a longer trip, is that maybe I subconsciously long to be at home. Maybe I miss stability and long for not having to be in full motion all the time. The past three years starting from early 2009 when I was collecting money for Mexico and the 2 weeks in Holland/Netherlands, combined with Rock Werchter, up till last winter holiday's Bali trip has just been such a hassle. Those 12 fucking months I spent working working working, saving saving saving for Australia (best trip of my life so far) was quite a lot. It was ofc rewarding, but also really fucking stressful and a lot to handle. Sometimes I would wake up, get ready, go work 10 hours, come back home to go straight to bed and sleep 12 hours just to wake up to the same thing again. Or I would have four part time jobs at the same time and managing my time would be a superwoman skill.
I mean, don't get me wrong. I _fucking_ love traveling. I don't think I feel anywhere more at home and like myself when I'm on the road with my backpack on my shoulders or when I am jumping up and down all sweaty to the rhythm of the music. I just think that I've realized that I need a break from it. In 2009 I worked after school to save till Holland/Netherlands, went there in the summer, fell in love at Rock Werchter, came home for three days, sat on a plane and flew to Mexico for a month. Came home in August with a feeling of longing and like my heart was about to explode & decided to make Australia come true. Worked for a year, fought with dad the whole time, was getting stressed, anxious, depressed but made it through. Worked like a machine, smiled at 10 grand in my bank account, hoped on a plane in October. Heart full of hope and mind full of adventure. Journey took 39 hours to Cairns. Had the best three months of my life in Oz and then traveled to Morocco where I had the worst month of my life. Came home anxious and depressed and realized I had to take care of myself. Got better, saved, worked, saved, worked, went to Heineken Open'er in Poland and Interailing by myself for a month. Realized I liked traveling by myself. Came home worked the rest of the vacation, started school in the end of August and multitasked my way through a report card full of 5's (top grade) and a bank account enough of money to fly to Bali. Spent Christmas and my B-day with strangers (& Jasmine) again. Came back.
Although I've had the best time of my life I can't help it to feel a bit tired. I feel like i've been in full motion all the time and that I haven't been able to catch my breath. I feel like I live according to two very distinct cycles - one is where I work and save and barely have time to see any of my mates and the other where I feel like I am living. This last school year I've only had time to see my best mate THREE TIMES thanks to school and working when ever I have free time and spending the rest of my free time abroad.
Feels like the past three years have been super hectic. Work work work -phase, travel, come back, work work work, travel, come back, work work work and so on... Full speed on and on and on.
Like I already said - Don't get me wrong - I love my life. But - Would also be nice to live back in home every once in a while and not only when I'm backpacking. Also everytime when I go fetch/drop someone off at the airport I just feel super tired. I used to looove airports but nowadays the sight of one makes me feel stressed. That's why I've realized that maybe should just stay in Finland for the summer. Catch my breath. "Take some time off". Enjoy life here. Ofc I want to and probably will make shorter trips but I think I've had enough of "longer" trips for now. At least until December.
I realized that how cool would it be to just enjoy the summer in the city, in lovely little Helsinki. The best city in the world. How wonderful would it be to have an actual SUMMER VACATION. I have tons of shit I wanna save up for but I mean, what if I would work but not work to the max this summer? What if I would live for myself and not for my bank account this summer? Thinking about money and always maxing your balance up just results into no social life and I would like to do something else than sit as the check out girl.
So yeah. I think I might just chill the fuck out and stay in one spot (apart from those minitravels) this summer.
Dunno where this long rant came from. It's just that this has been on my mind and I've been so confused about not KNOWING what I want. Until I realized what I actually wanted :)
But yeh, the sun is shining, the snow is melting and i'm having a happy hangover so life is good :) I better get back to studying now since I have three presentations (gonna have to rock the corporate whore -look again :((( ) and two exams on Mon-Fri.
Next Friday off to Eurotrip with my class !
Photos by: Laura Anderson (Photo nr. 1), Jasmine Färling (Photo nr. 9) and Band of Skull photo from here.
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