AKA this chick is going to Rock Werchter for sure !!! :)
Don't even care anymore for having to spend another 160€ because I'M GOOING TO SEE KASABIAAAAAN (among other <3's)

...Hitching maybe on Juhannus but not to Werchter!
This weekend was Mid Summer Party and unlike 98% of the people who left the city to their summer cottages, I spent my Juhannus in Helsinki. Although my Juhannus was pretty random, I spent it with my partner in crime and thus had a fucking blaaaast !
Greetings from Heidi
Note to self: next time your mate tells you there will be no public transportation before 11am on Juhannuspäivä, believe her : D
Missäs muualkaa ku Kallios
LET'S EVERYBODY KEEP OUR FINGERS CROSSED FOR SUPER DUPER WEATHER FOR BOTH FINLAND & BELGIUM :] (Although dancing in your gummies and your rain ponco to your fav bands while it's pissing down rain at a festival is aweeeesome, like we discovered last summer !)
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