Woke up and for the first time on my trip I actually felt lonely. It’s because of this stupid hostel which had the worst social atmosphere ever (thanks to the 15-16-year-old Catalanian camp). Everytime i’m here, I feel lonely but when every I’m out, enjoying the city, i’m fine and I love to wander by myself. But I realized that I should take advantage of this time. It’s a really good opportunity to sort my head out.
So I grabbed my stuff, packed all the necessities I might need (iPod, book, camera, sarong, water bottle etc) and headed to see Gaudi’s Park Güell. I was super stoked to see it but couldn't believe my eyes that there was an escalator for all the lazy az tourists to use to get to the top of the park. Oh come on. I decided to walk up the hill, since I HAVE LEGS, and enjoyed the little exercise at the same time.
The view on top of the mountain was stunning. You see the whole city. It was amazing and I stayed there quite a while taking heaps of photos. The city colors where so bright and you could see everything from Sagrada Família to the funny egg shaped building that they also have in London (forgot its name! googled: Gherkin building)
Park Güell was wonderful but the it was a bit confuising since you had a lot of ”intersections” and I always wondered that whether I’d see what the other road had to offer without going back. The lack of signs (this road takes you here and that road takes you there) was bothering me :D
The park was huuuuuge too. It was 17 hectares and thus there was no way you could possibly see the whole park !
Love backpacking by myself and letting people, who are totally handicapped with cameras, take a picture of yourself which is like one of the only three of you from your whole trip !
I’m not even gonna go into my rant about the tourist hell that Park Güell was (talk about the photo op of the mossaic lizard) since everyone probably already knows how I feel about tourists... But yeah, I got sick of the crowd and decided to leave. I also felt like I should put more sun screen on so I went to buy some.
I had originally thought of going to a market but since I was pretty broke anyways I decided to fuck it and go to the beach. And hey, whatta hell, as I was walking to the Barcelonetta beach, I bumped into the only person I knew from Barcelona (if raki+jenni+aino aren’t counted) – JUSTIN ! Justin’s the Canadian ”who the fuck is steve angello” –shirt guy from my fist night in Barca. I asked him whether we were still on to go surf and he told me he had heard about this place ”San Sebastian ” that we should check out. Supposedly ”45 min away from Barca” (oh justin, you were so wrong: more like 6 hours by train to the other side of Spain, I later on found out :D).
So I went to the beach, read my book, bought yet another banana and some water and had 5 cents left of my day budget. Went to the surf shop and looked at the prices... missed my surf board 8( I had a hard time deciding where I’d go tomorrow since my hostel was only booked till tomorrow morning. I was thinking of going to San Sebastian cause I was itching for a surf. Then I saw something out of the ordinary: a woman and a guy carrying surf boards on the broad walk. So i walked up to them and thank god these Spannish people knew English cause I had no idea how I’d have a convo about surfing in Spannish.
”SICK waves, eh?” (Barcelona = no surf and besides the sea was dead flat)
”Hahaha yeah”
”What are you doign here anyways with your surfboards? You can’t surf here, can you?”
”Nah, we are just practising here, paddling.”
”Oh ok. Hey have you guys heard of San Sebastian?”
”Yeah, we are actually from there ! But the weather was shit over there so we came here to just practice our paddling.”
Anyways these people told me aobut San Seb and I decided to head there tomorrow. Tried to message Justin but his phone was still dead. Left him a facebook message telling him I was leaving tomo but if he wanted to catch up, he’d be welcomed to join me. I booked my hostel in San Seb – this time I actually booked only the second cheapest one because I liked the hostel’s comments more (”Great hostel but it’s pretty populated with Aussies”)... :D:D Yeah what ever.
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