Destiny. It's a pretty interesting thing. We realized last night with Edwina, that if I hadn't met Tom, I wouldn't have been in Nottingham to meet my dear Aussie girl, because I was just so against the idea of wasting my interrail time in England. It's crazy to realize how many combinations of coincidences can affect a matter. The three Belgians are a big key in the story. Basically, these things had to happen in order for me to get to Nottingham: If Tom hadn't left on monday, I wouldn't have had a day to kill before my flight, so I wouldn't have gone to see Edwina. I wouldn't even had come to England, If I hadn't met Tom. I wouldn't have met Tom, if I hadn't stayed at the same hostel as him. I wouldn't have gone to the hostel we stayed in, If I hadn't met the three Belgian guys, who asked me to come there. And I wouldn't have met the Belgians on the train, If they had taken the right train (they were really supposed to go to Copenhagen but unfortunately - or should I say luckily - they got on the wrong train to Poznan). I wouldn't also be in Poznan if I hadn't been there to see Natalia, whom I met in Australia, and Barbara, whom I met in Mexico. So yeah. Chain of events. Butterfly effect. I don't think we would've gotten along so easily with Tom if I hadn't gone to Oz. Because I went backpacking there, we had something in common, we clicked, liked spending time with each other, and he asked me to come to London.
I'm currently on the plane to Reus, Barcelona. Honestly, I'm pretty happy getting away form England. I just hate it how much they patronise and monitor everything. I mean, they have cameras everywhere, monitoring everything. "To prevent crime." England really has an atmosphere like in that book 1984.. Also the fact that they have all these fucking signs and announcements guiding you with everything, is doing my head in. "Mind the gap", "Please wait for your bag to move before place another one here", "Watch out for pickpockets", "Look left and right before crossing" and so forth. It really gives this feeling of the English government treating the citizens like a bunch of dumb twats that have to be guided with everything. Like a herd of blind sheep.
I might've had a bit of a wtf am I supposed to do -moment at the airport when I tried calling Mia. Her Finnish phone was turned off. Fuuuuuck. She gave me like no instructions at all how to get to their Villa in Salou. The only thing she said that there is a bus from the airport and get of at plaza Europa... err. So I just had to pay a horrible £5 on my credit card to use the Internet so I could check my facebook for Mike's/George's numbers. See, Mia's family (Mike=her big bro, my ex-classmate) and our mate George are in Salou too. Thankfully George had been a doll and had posted me the address of the place they were staying at :) Got Mike's number from a mutual friend and called him on my Finnish phone... gaaah wonder how much that will cost me :S So. It'll be interesting to see, if I do find this place :D I just know, that because this stupid flight was 20 minutes late, i'm gonna arrive at the airport at 23:20 and checking out and getting my bags will probs take another 30 minutes... So fuck, I really hope Mia and her boyfriend Dan or her parents will be home when I rock up at 1 AM. Somehow I doubt it.. Guess i'll just get some grub and sit on the steps with my backpack waiting for these two drunksters to come home.
PS. Edwina took me to Primark today so I could buy PJ shorts... and I went completely spastic.. £1 for undies ?!? fuck yes. Love that store.
PPS. WTF WE ARE LANDING ??? I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE ANOTHER 2 HOURS. L-O-L, ok, so, seems like i'll be in Spain already at ten ! wheeeee :):):):) STOKED MONSTER.
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