21.7 Barcelona
Jenni n Max
So I wake up in Aino+Raki+Jenni’s appartment after partying till 6 am. Still drunk
and half asleep, I think I am sleeping next to Tom (in my mind I guess I’m still in England), and hug him from behind and start kissing ”Tom’s” back. Then I realize – wait a minute... I’m sleeping next to Aino... hahahah wtf. When she woke up I told her about my little misunderstanding.. failure :’D
Because I had decided to use at least 5€ or preferably 10€ less of my day budget from now on, so that I wouldn’t have to save so much for x-mas, I only had 10 euros left (excluding the hostel money). I had to be a little creative and resort my not-so-creative-pretty-standard-breakfast/lunch aka three bananas for 80 cents. Felt like backapcking again (after eating all those fancy dinners at Tom’s uncle’s place)... such a welcomed feeling ! I’ve been spending too much money anyways on shit I don’t need.
So me, Raki and Aino went to the beach (Jenni stayed behind with Max, the girls' Spannish mate) and Raki had a slightly embarrassing moment which will fortunately for her not be discussed in this blog.. ! :D It was my first time in five months to be at the beach – the last time was in Morocco and trust me, the beaches are nothing near pleasant. The beaches are heartbreakingly full of small chips of plastic and rubbish everywhere. It was truly overwhelming to surf on those beaches. I wish people would understand to take better care of our planet. The plastic bits reminded me of the picture I saw in the Sydney Aquarium demonstrating how a plastic wrapper is the most dangerous thing in the world - if thrown into the ground instead of a bin - since it will result in killing a lot of marine animals with its domino effect.
Anyways, back to the Barcelonetta Beach: it was nothing special, reminded me kind of the beach in St. Kilda, Melbourne. People who have been there know what I’m talking about. It’s a shit beach. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with it but there’s heaps of better beaches compared to it. But anyhoo, I was just glad to be back on a beach again <3 I’m pretty chocked cause when I went out for a swim, I managed to loose my anklet aka ”jinklet” form Berlin.. :( My only souvenier from there (except Tom’s shirt hahahhaa).
I continued reading the book Tom had given me: The Marching Powder by Rusty Young. I can’t remember if I’ve written about this book, but it’s about Tom McFadden, a cocaine smuggler, who got arrested and locked up in the infamous San Pedro prison in Bolivia. What is special about this prison is that everything and i mean EVERYTHING costs there. The inmates have to pay for everything from food to a prison cell. The Prison is divided in five or was it six sections and all the wealthy business men and politicians live in the best sections with their wives and kids. These cells include a kitchen, their own bathroom, a tv, and other possessions the inmate would like to have. Where as ,the worst sections are so dangerous that they’re should not be entered at night. Since everything costs money, the inmates need a source of income, and believe it or not, they continue doing inside what they do best: make cocaine. Apparently the best cocaine in the world comes out of San Pedro prison.
Anyways, it is a f*cking good book, went straight to my top reads straight away. I recommend it to everyone. And the best thing is, it is a TRUE STORY.
After the beach i sussed out on google maps where my hostel was and although Jenni was trying to convince me to take a 4 euro taxi there, I figured that hey, if I am backpacking, I should start behaving like one and hold onto my pennies :D So I walked to my hostel and loved the feeling of having to ask directions in my poor Spannish and not being quite sure how I’d reach my hostel. See, it is my basic strategy: I NEVER can be bothered to really look at the directions that thoroughly. I’ll just write the street name down and see what direction I have to go in to get the sense of going the right way. Then i’ll just start walking staright and every once in a while ask for directions. So I have literally NO IDEA what so ever, how to get to my hostel/station/any place ever at all. I just like to throw myself to the mercy of the locals! Best thing eva. As I was walking to my hostel I realized it was the first time I had been alone for quite some time now ! Before that I had been hanging with the girls, with Dan and Mia, I also visited Edwina, stayed with Tom for 5 days, and before that 4 days with Melanie in Amsterdam (although I did do a day trip alone to Utrecht) + other people before this. So it felt really nice to be alone :)
When I got to my room I started talking to this guy in my room and after a while I asked him where he was from ”Australia” ”oh sweet, and what’s your name?” ”Tom” ”NOOOOOO!!!!!”. I remember just thinking ”fucking hell, not again :D”. It was a bit hilarious to see the expression on his face.. he was like ”umm... what’s the matter... :s” ”ohijustseemtohavethistingwithtomsfromaustralia, never mind :D”. Luckily he was leaving the next morning so I didn’t have to worry about falling in love with him HAH ! :D
I also did my first share of grocery shopping in a long time... once again, I welcomed the feeling of backpacking ! I was super stoked when I was at Carrefour since I noticed that God’s gift to humanity aka a bottle of wine was only 1,49€ / bottle... oh yes. The thought of a nice meal (ravioli and almost ready salad...) with a glass of red wine seemed very tempting so I bought a bottle for myself to enjoy. But when returning home, I discovered that I had no knowledge nor skills of how to pull out the cork. So I asked this 40-year-old guy to help me open it and he did , as well as share some pretty relevant things about opening the bottle: ”it might help if you take the wrapper off ;)”. Oh hi, I have blonde hair.
I was pleased that I managed to spend only 10 euros that day (+hostel) but I was tying to figure out whether I should go to the beach and drink some wine with Jenni, Aino and Raki and some Californian guys or just stay home and read my book + update my blog + get a good nights rest and wake up early tomo to go on the walking tour. Called the girls but they were too tired to leave their flat so I went out with Darcy, this Aussie kid from my room. We went to his mate’s hostel which was so much nigger than ours. It was pretty lively and the bar was packed and full of lets-get-the-backpackers-drunk-games. We played flipcup and loved how everyone was chanting my fav games starting theme song :D Left home half past one when the others were going to a bar. I figured I didn’t want to go sit in a cocktail lounge (wtf who goes there?) reeking of beer (thanks for the bartender’s stupid let’s-pour-beer-straight-from-the-jugs-into-girls-mouths = immediate fail). Came home and checked my hostel reservation online and talked to this handsome ICELANDIC (!!! siiiick, how rare!) guy. His name was Ari... Just like Finnish !
perjantai 30. syyskuuta 2011
maanantai 19. syyskuuta 2011
Barcelona Tourist Hell - Killing Spree Mood
20.7 First day in Barcelona
After getting ready we walked to the train station of Salou with Mia and her boyfriend, Dan. Things didn't go as smoothly as planned, since Mia's card got stuck into the ticket vending machine. I was pretty proud of myself that I managed to explain the situation to the counter lady with my basic Spannish (only had to look up ATM = cajero automático). She didn't look suprised at all and calmly proceeded into opening the machine for us and getting Mia's Visa Electron out with the tickets she had purchased. I guess we weren't the only ones who's card had got sucked into that evil machine.
When we arrived to Barcelona, the first thing I wanted to do is go to Maccas for their free Wifi so I could book a hostel and transfer some money in my bank account. Mia and Dan left to eat and gve me Dan's mobile so I could call them when I was ready. Never have I EVER seen a McDonald's so packed. They also had these cool self use machines that you could use to speed up the process. All you had to do is tap on the items you wanted to buy on the touch screen and insert your debit/credit card in. Pretty sweet. I figured I didn't have to buy anything since the Maccas was too packed for anyone to notice whether you were an actual customer. And damn did it take long to look for an hostel... Everything was booked, or only partially available or expensive az... Took me an hour but finally I managed to suss that shit out with the exception of having to call Jenni, one of our mates who was staying and renting a flat in Barcelona for a couple of weeks with Aino and Raki. I called them to ask whether it was ok if I would crash at their place for tonight, since all the (cheap/near-by) hostels were booked. I figured I should really start booking hostels in before hand but didn't like the sound of that.. Planning too much ahead just makes the trip loose all its sense of adventure!
When I finally met Mia and Dan after that long hour I was in a bad mood. I was fucking starving since I hadn't eaten any brekkie and my bags were heavy az. Jenni had said that they weren't home atm so I couldn't go chuck my bags at their place. I wanted to go find a place where I could leave my bags but sheepishly just followed Mia and Dan. What made matters worse and got me even more in a killing-spree-kinda-mood was Barcelona's most famous, busiest and expensive street - the fucking La Rambla and all its thousands of tourists. Total tourist hell. From that moment on I came to hate the esplanade and did everything to avoid it. I know I was probably not the most fun person to hang around with the mentality I had that morning and I apologized to Mia and Dan if I was acting like a bitch. I was just really hungry and my bags were killing me. Dan was a babe and volunteered to carry my other bag (the smaller, lighter one yet which is the one that kills your shoulders) which made my morning a lot better :)
We wanted to go for a drink somewhere to celebrate us being in Barcelona and so we wondered away from La Rambla to the smaller streets. Somehow we found ourselves in a sex shop and I completely forgot my hunger and the pain my shoulders were in because we were just having too much of a laugh about the items that store had to offer. When we eventually sat down to a bar Dan bought us a drink each and we just enjoyed ourselves. We decided to make our own tapas picnic at some bar and so we went to buy a bottle of white and a bottle of red along with some olives, chorizo and what not. We found this grass area in the harbor and made a nice picnic. Since I was carrying all my shit around, I had sarong for us to sit on and my speakers ! That moment was truely just enjoying life and I began to forgot how much of in a bad mood I had been in :)
We called Aino and she promised we could come and chuck my shit at their place. Their flat was only a minute walk away from the Barceloneta beach and so it wouldn't take her long to come and let us in. After leaving my bags in the girl's apartment, we left to meet Raki and Jenni at the beach and get something to eat. Some how during that one minute walk we managed to loose Mia and Dan (assumingly they didn't see us turn on the corner) so it was just us four sitting at the beach bar. It was really nice to see the girls :) We got overpriced sandwiches and went to the grocerie store to by some booze. I was happy with my under two euro red wine:D While we were in La Rambla, I saw this guy with a white tank top and a self written ”Who the fuck is Steve Angello” on it. I started talking with the guy and he told me he was going to Steve Angello’s gig. I would’ve loved to go too but I was a bit poor so 10 euros seemed too much for me :D The guys name ws Justin and he was a Canadian dj. He was supposed to play in Ibiza but his gear broke down so his manager told him to go to Barcelona. Somehow we came into talking about skate boarding and we agreed to go surfing together (he had never surfed before!) so we swapped facebooks.
At first we went to this cool small bar that had the best 3 euro pizza I’ve ever tasted. I wish I would've written the address down but I guess I can just get it off of Jenni or one of the girls. Afterward we went to Cityhall which was nothing special, ugly guys and the music was blah. When everyone came back to the girls’ apartment there was this nonsense drama with everyone vs. mia and dan and it was just plain silly... Probably the best idea just to go to sleep at 6 AM.
Pictures property of:
Mia O'Shea 1st & 4th picture
Jenni Tuviala Last Picture
After getting ready we walked to the train station of Salou with Mia and her boyfriend, Dan. Things didn't go as smoothly as planned, since Mia's card got stuck into the ticket vending machine. I was pretty proud of myself that I managed to explain the situation to the counter lady with my basic Spannish (only had to look up ATM = cajero automático). She didn't look suprised at all and calmly proceeded into opening the machine for us and getting Mia's Visa Electron out with the tickets she had purchased. I guess we weren't the only ones who's card had got sucked into that evil machine.
When we arrived to Barcelona, the first thing I wanted to do is go to Maccas for their free Wifi so I could book a hostel and transfer some money in my bank account. Mia and Dan left to eat and gve me Dan's mobile so I could call them when I was ready. Never have I EVER seen a McDonald's so packed. They also had these cool self use machines that you could use to speed up the process. All you had to do is tap on the items you wanted to buy on the touch screen and insert your debit/credit card in. Pretty sweet. I figured I didn't have to buy anything since the Maccas was too packed for anyone to notice whether you were an actual customer. And damn did it take long to look for an hostel... Everything was booked, or only partially available or expensive az... Took me an hour but finally I managed to suss that shit out with the exception of having to call Jenni, one of our mates who was staying and renting a flat in Barcelona for a couple of weeks with Aino and Raki. I called them to ask whether it was ok if I would crash at their place for tonight, since all the (cheap/near-by) hostels were booked. I figured I should really start booking hostels in before hand but didn't like the sound of that.. Planning too much ahead just makes the trip loose all its sense of adventure!
When I finally met Mia and Dan after that long hour I was in a bad mood. I was fucking starving since I hadn't eaten any brekkie and my bags were heavy az. Jenni had said that they weren't home atm so I couldn't go chuck my bags at their place. I wanted to go find a place where I could leave my bags but sheepishly just followed Mia and Dan. What made matters worse and got me even more in a killing-spree-kinda-mood was Barcelona's most famous, busiest and expensive street - the fucking La Rambla and all its thousands of tourists. Total tourist hell. From that moment on I came to hate the esplanade and did everything to avoid it. I know I was probably not the most fun person to hang around with the mentality I had that morning and I apologized to Mia and Dan if I was acting like a bitch. I was just really hungry and my bags were killing me. Dan was a babe and volunteered to carry my other bag (the smaller, lighter one yet which is the one that kills your shoulders) which made my morning a lot better :)
We wanted to go for a drink somewhere to celebrate us being in Barcelona and so we wondered away from La Rambla to the smaller streets. Somehow we found ourselves in a sex shop and I completely forgot my hunger and the pain my shoulders were in because we were just having too much of a laugh about the items that store had to offer. When we eventually sat down to a bar Dan bought us a drink each and we just enjoyed ourselves. We decided to make our own tapas picnic at some bar and so we went to buy a bottle of white and a bottle of red along with some olives, chorizo and what not. We found this grass area in the harbor and made a nice picnic. Since I was carrying all my shit around, I had sarong for us to sit on and my speakers ! That moment was truely just enjoying life and I began to forgot how much of in a bad mood I had been in :)
We called Aino and she promised we could come and chuck my shit at their place. Their flat was only a minute walk away from the Barceloneta beach and so it wouldn't take her long to come and let us in. After leaving my bags in the girl's apartment, we left to meet Raki and Jenni at the beach and get something to eat. Some how during that one minute walk we managed to loose Mia and Dan (assumingly they didn't see us turn on the corner) so it was just us four sitting at the beach bar. It was really nice to see the girls :) We got overpriced sandwiches and went to the grocerie store to by some booze. I was happy with my under two euro red wine:D While we were in La Rambla, I saw this guy with a white tank top and a self written ”Who the fuck is Steve Angello” on it. I started talking with the guy and he told me he was going to Steve Angello’s gig. I would’ve loved to go too but I was a bit poor so 10 euros seemed too much for me :D The guys name ws Justin and he was a Canadian dj. He was supposed to play in Ibiza but his gear broke down so his manager told him to go to Barcelona. Somehow we came into talking about skate boarding and we agreed to go surfing together (he had never surfed before!) so we swapped facebooks.
At first we went to this cool small bar that had the best 3 euro pizza I’ve ever tasted. I wish I would've written the address down but I guess I can just get it off of Jenni or one of the girls. Afterward we went to Cityhall which was nothing special, ugly guys and the music was blah. When everyone came back to the girls’ apartment there was this nonsense drama with everyone vs. mia and dan and it was just plain silly... Probably the best idea just to go to sleep at 6 AM.
Pictures property of:
Mia O'Shea 1st & 4th picture
Jenni Tuviala Last Picture
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