I had only two days left in Portugal but instead of seeing Lissabon, I decided to just surf....! I knew I could always come back and I probably would anyways next summer during the Tall Ship Races.
I was getting a bit stressed about Paris. I only had my ticket to Irún, next to France’s border, where from I’d walk to Hembaye train station – a five minute walk away. But I had no clue whether a train to Paris during that time of night (I’ be arriving around 12ish ?) would even stop at the station nor that whether I’d even get on the train... Damn stupid PARIS ! It’s impossible to get there since every freaking interrailer wants to go there. I only objective is to get Belgium so I can get on my flight and head back home. But damn France is in the middle of my way... I realized that although I WOULD get to Paris, I’d still have the problem of getting OUT of there. It might be the case, that all the trains from and to Paris would be reserved for the next 3 weeks (or that I’d have to upgrade my interrail ticket into a normal or 1st class one, that would cost me like 100e or so).
That’s why I decided to buy a plane ticket. I’m usually up for an adventure, but in this case I was running out of time. I didn’t wanna go fooling around with only one week left.. So I bought this plane ticket from Valvedrois (at least I think that’s what it is called) to Brussels for 115€. Argh, chocked of using the money I had been saving, from spending less, on a stupid plane ticket -__- Fucking France.
Anyhoo, after this hassle I ran to the ferry and took off to Costa da Caparica again. Spent the whole day at the beach with Rafa and Mali (the life guards) again. Went surfing, met this Portugese surfer. He made me try his (short) board. He gave me some tips and was cool :) Too bad, my arm muscles are weak as shit so I quickly switched back to Rafa’s long board 8)
Rafa invited me to have dinner with them and I told them I’d have to go back to my hostel at first but I’d think about it. I left back to my hostel at 7 and just decided to chill at the hostel. I was soo knackered from the sun and the surf. I had a nice time hanging out in the dining room / kitchen with these two polish girls (one of them was super crazy :D) and Lien though :)
The next day I was supposed to meet Mali and Rafa at the beach cause we had made tentative plans about going surfing to another spot. They told me they would wait for me at the life guarding spot, If I decided to come. The day before I had been considering whether to see Lisbon, but in the morning I had decided that nah, I can do what ever I prefer, and I wanted to surf SO... fuck sightseeing ! PLUS I was going to Madrid after Portugal, so I wasn’t seeing the sea anymore anyways. ...until winter... and BALI! ;) ). I arrived at 1ish and just as I had suspected, they had left already ;/ I went to the near-by restaurant where Rafa+Mali’s mate, Rafael, worked. I asked whether he had seen them and he told me they had left an half and hour earlier to surf... DAMN.
Oh well, went to the store, bought some water, peaches and pastries to keep me company. The day was spent lying on the beach with my book – The Marching Powder. I also trusted the (other) lifeguards so much to leave my stuff with them when I went swiming in the sea. Although I was bummed that I didn’t get to hang out with Rafa and Mali and go surfing with them, it was a day well spent :)
However, there was an element of failure in the day. When I arrived at the hostel, I went to get some fresh clothes and my towel from my backpack that was in the –closed- dining room (I was leaving that night so that’s why my stuff was there). I think I still had my phone on me. I THINK it was in my shorts. But when I went to the public bathroom and left my clothes outside of my shower stall, I discovered, after taking the shower, that my phone was missing ! BUT the 5 euro note in my pocket was still there... How weird. I tried to look for my phone in my pockets and so and also in my backpack, but I just couldn’t find it. I’m not sure whether I dropped it when coming home or whether someone stole it from my clothes, but kinda seems unlikely since why wouldn’t they have took the 5 euros in the pocket, too? Also, I had this crappy ”cerial box phone” so, don’t see a point in stealing it : D
I wasn’t that bummed about the phone since it was a basic phone worth of 25e only, but still. Pissed me off that I’d have to get my third phone this year.... and it’s not like i’m made of money anyways!! I was in a hurry though to leave to the train station, that when the receptionist offered to call my phone, I was like ”nah, I gotta run and I don’t even remember my number anyways since it’s a Polish sim card”. Oh, what a dummie : D I could’ve found out my number from Facebook in 2 minutes. Oh well.
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